NRS 450.550. Definitions.
NRS 450.560. Establishment of district on motion of board of county commissioners.
NRS 450.570. Notice of intent to establish district: Contents; publication.
NRS 450.580. Objections to formation of district; hearing.
NRS 450.590. Establishment of district: Petition of owners of property; adoption, contents and publication of resolution of intention to establish district; exception.
NRS 450.600. Hearing on petition.
NRS 450.610. Resolution creating district.
NRS 450.620. Enactment of ordinance regarding number, terms and election of trustees; service of board of county commissioners ex officio as board of trustees.
NRS 450.625. Trustees of district that includes territory within more than one county.
NRS 450.630. General powers and duties of board of trustees; rules and regulations.
NRS 450.640. Employees and staff of hospital: Appointment to board of chief of staff of physicians for district hospital; appointment by board of chief executive officer and necessary assistants for hospital; compensation; removal; admission.
NRS 450.650. Budgets.
NRS 450.660. Tax levies; disposition of proceeds. [Effective until November 24, 2014, and after that date unless the provisions of Senate Joint Resolution No. 15 (2011) are approved and ratified by the voters at the 2014 General Election.]
NRS 450.660. Tax levies; disposition of proceeds. [Effective November 25, 2014, if the provisions of Senate Joint Resolution No. 15 (2011) are approved and ratified by the voters at the 2014 General Election.]
NRS 450.665. Powers of board of trustees: Borrowing of money and incurrence or assumption of indebtedness; limitations and conditions.
NRS 450.670. Powers of board of trustees: Issuance and sale of bonds for certain purposes.
NRS 450.675. Powers of board of trustees: Mortgage or pledge of personal property and acquisition of real property.
NRS 450.680. Election concerning issuance of bonds; applicability of Local Government Securities Law.
NRS 450.690. Donations.
NRS 450.700. Board of trustees to determine status of patient and fix charges.
NRS 450.710. Creation of district for sole purpose of contracting for services of hospital.
NRS 450.715. Authority of board of trustees to contract for services of hospital.
NRS 450.720. Contract for management of district hospital.
NRS 450.725. Membership of district hospital in purchasing group.
NRS 450.730. Purchase of supplies, materials and equipment without complying with certain requirements for competitive bidding.
NRS 450.750. Board of county commissioners in certain districts deemed local government responsible for transferring certain payments of money.
NRS 450.751. Dissolution of hospital district in county whose population is less than 700,000: Determination that dissolution is in best interest required; ordinance of board of county commissioners; considerations; duties of county clerk.
NRS 450.753. Dissolution of hospital district: Right of qualified electors to protest; dissolution prohibited if majority of qualified electors protest; dissolution by final ordinance; recital of protests.
NRS 450.755. Dissolution of hospital district: Hearing; full consideration of all protests required; adoption of final ordinance of dissolution or ordinance of nondissolution by board of county commissioners.
NRS 450.757. Dissolution of hospital district: County clerk must file final ordinance of dissolution; locations.
NRS 450.759. Dissolution of hospital district in county whose population is less than 700,000: Unpaid taxes, levies and assessments are lien on property; power of board of county commissioners to collect.
NRS 450.760. Dissolution of hospital district in county whose population is less than 700,000: Retirement of outstanding debt and other obligations; levy of property tax; disposition of property.