CHAPTER554. Quarantines of Agricultural Commodities  

NRS 554.010. Definitions.
NRS 554.011. “Agricultural commodity” defined.
NRS 554.012. “Exportation” defined.
NRS 554.013. “Farm” defined.
NRS 554.014. “Importation” defined.
NRS 554.015. “Noxious weed” defined.
NRS 554.016. “Vertebrate pest” defined.
NRS 554.020. State Quarantine Officer’s power to proclaim and enforce quarantine; quarantine effective until vacation order.
NRS 554.030. Permissible provisions; amendments.
NRS 554.040. Certified copies of quarantine to be delivered to certain officers.
NRS 554.050. Administration; cooperation with state and federal officers.
NRS 554.060. Destruction, treatment or shipment out of State of agricultural commodity imported or transported through State in violation of quarantine.
NRS 554.070. Unlawful importation or transportation in violation of quarantine.
NRS 554.080. Criminal proceedings: Proof of disease or exposure to disease.
NRS 554.085. Civil penalties.
NRS 554.090. Criminal penalties.
NRS 554.110. State Quarantine Officer’s power to proclaim and enforce quarantine.
NRS 554.120. Investigation; proclamation; effective until vacated.
NRS 554.130. Certified copies of quarantine to be delivered to certain persons; publication of proclamation.
NRS 554.140. Administration by State Quarantine Officer; enforcement by peace officers.
NRS 554.150. Cooperation with federal authorities.
NRS 554.160. Powers of State Quarantine Officer.
NRS 554.170. Fumigation, disinfection, treatment or destruction of agricultural commodities.
NRS 554.180. Procedure for indemnification for loss by destruction.
NRS 554.190. Costs of fumigation, disinfection or treatment.
NRS 554.200. Appointment of deputy state quarantine officers; attachments against inspected agricultural commodities.
NRS 554.210. Employment of deputy state quarantine officers by counties.
NRS 554.220. Civil liability of carriers transporting quarantined agricultural commodities; limitation of actions.
NRS 554.230. Criminal proceedings: Proof of disease, exposure to disease or infestation.
NRS 554.240. Penalty.