CHAPTER472. State Forester Firewarden  

NRS 472.010. Appointment.
NRS 472.020. Qualifications.
NRS 472.025. Classification; restrictions on other employment.
NRS 472.040. Powers and duties; administrative supervision.
NRS 472.041. Enforcement of regulations relating to reduction of vegetation around structures.
NRS 472.043. Establishment and preservation of forest and vegetative cover in forest and watershed.
NRS 472.050. Cooperative agreements with Federal Government for protection from fire; related agreements; deposit of federal money.
NRS 472.060. Fire protection districts and counties may enter into cooperative agreements with State Forester Firewarden; expenditure of money.
NRS 472.070. Separate or collective agreements with United States Forest Service and United States Bureau of Land Management; disbursement of money.
NRS 472.080. Cancellation, modification and renewal of cooperative agreements.
NRS 472.090. District or county fire coordinator to be appointed by county; supervision of State Forester Firewarden.
NRS 472.100. Fire retardant roofing material to be used in areas designated as fire hazardous; notice of standards; enforcement; penalty.
NRS 472.105. Required consultation before adoption of regulations concerning buildings or structures.
NRS 472.110. Meals may be provided to employees during emergency.
NRS 472.120. Elimination of fire hazards.