NRS 432A.131. Licensing and registration by counties, cities and Division; standards and regulations; waiver of compliance; notification of intent to amend or repeal ordinance.
NRS 432A.136. Accommodation facilities: Adjustments allowed for minimum amount of space and minimum number of toilets required per child; required to permit parent or guardian to attend to needs of child under certain circumstances.
NRS 432A.141. License: Issuance by Division; fee; duration; nontransferable.
NRS 432A.150. License: Contents.
NRS 432A.160. Provisional license.
NRS 432A.170. Investigation by Division; information concerning criminal convictions of applicant, licensee, employee and certain residents; cost of investigation.
NRS 432A.175. Investigation by Division; information concerning criminal convictions of applicant, licensee, employee and certain residents or participants. [Effective through June 30, 2014.]
NRS 432A.175. Investigation by Division; information concerning criminal convictions of applicant, licensee, employee and certain residents or participants. [Effective July 1, 2014.]
NRS 432A.1755. Termination of employee or removal of resident of facility or participant in program upon receipt of certain information; opportunity for employee, resident or participant to correct information.
NRS 432A.1757. Licensees of certain child care facilities to adopt certain policies relating to medical care and medications for children; employees to receive copy of policy.
NRS 432A.177. Licensee of child care facility required to ensure training of employees who have direct contact with children; regulations.
NRS 432A.1773. Licensee or person responsible for daily operation, administration or management of child care facility: Registration required; qualifications.
NRS 432A.1775. Employees of certain facilities to complete training.
NRS 432A.178. Child care facility required to maintain certain information; reporting of information to parents and guardians; notice of right to information.
NRS 432A.1785. Applicants and licensees required to maintain records of certain information; inspection of records by Division.
NRS 432A.180. Inspection by Division, State Fire Marshal and Chief Medical Officer; publication and availability of reports of certain inspections.
NRS 432A.190. Grounds for denial, suspension or revocation of license; maintenance of log of certain complaints; administrative fine; opportunity for hearing; written report.
NRS 432A.200. Denial, suspension or revocation of license: Notice; hearing.
NRS 432A.210. Injunctive relief.
NRS 432A.220. Penalty for operating facility without license.