Officers and Employees Generally
NRS 218A.600. Secretary of the Senate and Chief Clerk of the Assembly: Compensation; terms and conditions of position.
NRS 218A.605. Compensation of employees of the Senate and Assembly; establishment of additional positions; increases in compensation; options upon transfer of employee from Legislative Counsel Bureau; rate of pay.
Legislators, Other Officers and Committee Staff
NRS 218A.630. Compensation of Legislators during regular or special session.
NRS 218A.635. Compensation, allowances and expenses of Legislators during presession orientation, training sessions and legislative interim; applicability to nonreturning Legislators.
NRS 218A.640. Limitation on compensation payable to Legislators who attend multiple meetings, conferences or training sessions in single day.
NRS 218A.645. Payment to Legislators for certain expenses during regular or special session, presession orientation and training sessions; payment to committee staff for per diem allowances and travel expenses for meetings outside capital.
NRS 218A.650. Advances of money for travel.
NRS 218A.655. Payment to Legislators for travel expenses for certain legislative business.
NRS 218A.660. Payment to Legislators for travel expenses for certain meetings during legislative interim.
NRS 218A.665. Payment to legislative officers and committee chairs for postage, telephone and other communication expenses.
NRS 218A.670. Payment of expenses for official stationery and business cards for Legislators.