NRS426.680. Review of recommendation of Bureau if agency rejects establishment of vending stand.  

Latest version.
  •       1.  If, after a vending stand survey as authorized by NRS 426.670, the head of a department or agency in charge of the maintenance of any public building or property rejects or does not act upon a written recommendation of the Bureau that a vending stand be established or operated for the employment of persons who are blind, the matter must be referred to the Director of the Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation for review.

          2.  After reviewing the recommendation of the Bureau, the Director may refer the matter to the head of the department or agency concerned for further review and disposition.

          3.  If the Director is not satisfied with the decision of the head of the department or agency concerned, the Director may refer the matter for final decision and disposition to:

          (a) The Governor, in the case of state buildings or properties.

          (b) The board of county commissioners, in the case of county buildings or properties.

          (c) The city council or other governing board of the municipality in the case of municipal buildings or properties.

          (d) The governing board of the political subdivision in the case of buildings or properties of other political subdivisions of this State.

      (Added to NRS by 1959, 170; A 1963, 923; 1965, 774; 1967, 1164; 1973, 1395; 1993, 1618)