NRS 426.630. Definitions.
NRS 426.640. Operation of vending stand on public property and property of State Park System by person who is blind: Purposes; license.
NRS 426.650. Notice to Bureau by public agency of location of and license, permit and lease for any vending stand.
NRS 426.660. Acquisition, construction, remodeling or improvement of public building: Planning for vending stand.
NRS 426.665. Construction of building by Bureau; approval of Legislature.
NRS 426.670. Surveys by Bureau; establishment and licensing of vending stand; training; contracts; regulations; when department or agency may recover cost or expenses.
NRS 426.675. Business Enterprise Account for Persons Who Are Blind.
NRS 426.677. Management of money received from vending facility when operator unavailable or temporarily unable to conduct business.
NRS 426.680. Review of recommendation of Bureau if agency rejects establishment of vending stand.
NRS 426.685. Establishment of vending stand in privately owned building; when owner of building may recover costs or expenses.
NRS 426.690. Limitation on commodities and articles sold at vending stand.
NRS 426.695. Operator of vending stand may keep service animal on premises.
NRS 426.700. Applicability of laws and ordinances to operator of vending stand.
NRS 426.710. Management and operation of Vending Stand Program for Persons Who Are Blind by nonprofit corporation or agency as trustee; reimbursement by operators of vending stands.
NRS 426.715. Penalty for unlawful sale, solicitation or delivery of certain commodities on public property; exemptions.
NRS 426.720. Applicability of provisions to operators of vending stands.