CHAPTER703. Public Utilities Commission of Nevada  

NRS 703.010. Definitions.
NRS 703.020. Creation.
NRS 703.023. Seal.
NRS 703.025. Reorganization of Commission; duties of Commission relating to reorganization; Commission authorized to adopt regulations for operation and enforcement of laws; plan for reorganization.
NRS 703.030. Commissioners: Appointment; terms; qualifications.
NRS 703.040. Commissioners: Additional qualifications; restrictions on other employment.
NRS 703.050. Commissioners: Oaths.
NRS 703.060. Commissioners: Removal.
NRS 703.070. Commissioners: Designation of Commissioner to serve as Chair.
NRS 703.080. Commissioners: Unclassified service of State; Acting Commissioners not entitled to participate in certain programs or receive certain benefits.
NRS 703.085. Commissioners: Number required to act; number required to enter final order; appointment, powers and duties, terms of service and reappointment of Acting Commissioners.
NRS 703.100. Suits by and against Commission.
NRS 703.110. Hearings and meetings open to public.
NRS 703.120. Principal and secondary offices; filing of documents at secondary office.
NRS 703.130. Personnel and consultants; Executive Director; Secretary and Assistant Secretary; hearing officers.
NRS 703.140. Expenses of Commissioners and employees: Sworn statement and approval required.
NRS 703.145. Expenses of investigations, inspections, audits and appearances made outside State.
NRS 703.147. Public Utilities Commission Regulatory Fund.
NRS 703.148. Expenditure of money from reserve account to provide education and informational services to public; use of independent contractor to provide such services.
NRS 703.150. General duties.
NRS 703.151. Duties of Commission in adopting regulations relating to provision of electric service.
NRS 703.152. Legislative findings on cost of energy in Nevada; Commission authorized to represent State in matters affecting development, transmission, use or cost of energy in Nevada.
NRS 703.153. Commission may agree to conduct inspections to ensure compliance with federal statutes and regulations governing safety of storage facilities and interstate pipelines.
NRS 703.154. Regulations to ensure safe operation and maintenance of storage facilities and intrastate pipelines; Commission has final authority to regulate such facilities and pipelines; administrative fine.
NRS 703.1545. Commission authorized to participate in federal program of safety relating to railroads.
NRS 703.160. Place of session or hearing.
NRS 703.164. Employment of legal counsel; duties of Attorney General and district attorneys.
NRS 703.168. Cooperation with federal and state agencies.
NRS 703.172. Division of Consumer Complaint Resolution: Establishment; duties.
NRS 703.175. Request from certain regulatory agencies to disconnect telephone number: Commission to issue order to appropriate provider of service; good faith compliance with order constitutes complete defense to action arising from termination of service.
NRS 703.180. Biennial report of Commission.
NRS 703.190. Records of Commission open to public inspection; exception.
NRS 703.191. Duty of public utilities and certain entities to furnish information and annual reports.
NRS 703.193. Annual reports, records and statements to be submitted under oath.
NRS 703.195. Examination of records and other property of public utilities and certain entities; exception.
NRS 703.196. Disclosure and confidentiality of records and other property of public utilities and certain entities.
NRS 703.197. Fees for filing documents.
NRS 703.205. Publication of pamphlets.
NRS 703.301. Rights of Regulatory Operations Staff to appear and participate in contested case and to be represented by legal counsel; restrictions on certain communications between Commissioner and Regulatory Operations Staff.
NRS 703.310. Complaint against public utility or alternative seller: Investigation by Division of Consumer Complaint Resolution; notice and hearing.
NRS 703.320. Notice and hearing: Duty of Commission to provide notice of certain pending matters; regulations regarding notice; hearing required in certain pending matters; power of Commission to dispense with hearing in certain pending matters.
NRS 703.330. Record of hearings: Recording and transcription of testimony; costs; copies available to parties; confidentiality.
NRS 703.340. Witnesses: Order of Commission for appearance; fees and mileage.
NRS 703.350. Order for production of books, accounts, papers or records.
NRS 703.360. Issuance of subpoena by clerk of district court for service to witness failing to appear on Commission’s order; contempt.
NRS 703.370. Enforcement of subpoenas issued by Commission.
NRS 703.373. Judicial review: Petition; answer; participation of Commission; scope of review; grounds for setting aside decision of Commission.
NRS 703.374. Judicial review: Requirements for injunction; burden of proof; filing bond to place into effect proposed changes in schedule of rates.
NRS 703.375. Judicial review: Refund of excess payment; report of refund; claims for refunds.
NRS 703.376. Judicial review: Appeal to Supreme Court. [Effective through December 31, 2014, and after that date unless the provisions of Senate Joint Resolution No. 14 (2011) are approved and ratified by the voters at the 2014 General Election.]
NRS 703.376. Judicial review: Appeal to appellate court. [Effective January 1, 2015, if the provisions of Senate Joint Resolution No. 14 (2011) are approved and ratified by the voters at the 2014 General Election.]
NRS 703.377. Revocation of certificate, permit or license: Hearing; conditions; judicial review.
NRS 703.380. Administrative fines.