NRS 703.150. General duties.
NRS 703.151. Duties of Commission in adopting regulations relating to provision of electric service.
NRS 703.152. Legislative findings on cost of energy in Nevada; Commission authorized to represent State in matters affecting development, transmission, use or cost of energy in Nevada.
NRS 703.153. Commission may agree to conduct inspections to ensure compliance with federal statutes and regulations governing safety of storage facilities and interstate pipelines.
NRS 703.154. Regulations to ensure safe operation and maintenance of storage facilities and intrastate pipelines; Commission has final authority to regulate such facilities and pipelines; administrative fine.
NRS 703.1545. Commission authorized to participate in federal program of safety relating to railroads.
NRS 703.160. Place of session or hearing.
NRS 703.164. Employment of legal counsel; duties of Attorney General and district attorneys.
NRS 703.168. Cooperation with federal and state agencies.
NRS 703.172. Division of Consumer Complaint Resolution: Establishment; duties.
NRS 703.175. Request from certain regulatory agencies to disconnect telephone number: Commission to issue order to appropriate provider of service; good faith compliance with order constitutes complete defense to action arising from termination of service.