NRS630.3065. Willful disclosure of privileged communication; willful failure to comply with statute or regulation governing practice of medicine.  

Latest version.
  •   The following acts, among others, constitute grounds for initiating disciplinary action or denying licensure:

          1.  Willful disclosure of a communication privileged pursuant to a statute or court order.

          2.  Willful failure to comply with:

          (a) A regulation, subpoena or order of the Board or a committee designated by the Board to investigate a complaint against a physician;

          (b) A court order relating to this chapter; or

          (c) A provision of this chapter.

          3.  Willful failure to perform a statutory or other legal obligation imposed upon a licensed physician, including a violation of the provisions of NRS 439B.410.

      (Added to NRS by 1983, 302; A 1985, 2238; 1987, 200; 1989, 1663; 1993, 2302)