NRS125C.160. Temporary modification of order to accommodate deployment of parent; requirements of temporary order. [Effective through December 31, 2013.]  

Latest version.
  •       1.  The court may temporarily modify a custody or visitation order to reasonably accommodate the deployment of a parent. Any such modification by the court of a custody or visitation order shall be deemed a temporary order.

          2.  A temporary order issued pursuant to subsection 1 must:

          (a) Unless the court determines it is not in the best interest of the child, grant the parent who received orders for deployment reasonable custody or visitation during periods of approved military leave if the existing custody or visitation order granted that parent custody or visitation before deployment;

          (b) Include any restrictions concerning custody or visitation set forth in the existing custody or visitation order;

          (c) Specify that deployment is the reason for the modification of the existing custody or visitation order; and

          (d) Require the other parent to provide the court and the parent who received orders for deployment with written notice of any change of his or her address or telephone number as soon as practicable but not later than 30 days after such change.

          3.  In issuing a temporary order pursuant to subsection 1, the court shall consider issuing any such appropriate temporary order as will ensure the ability of the parent who received orders for deployment to maintain frequent and continuing contact with the child by means that are reasonably available.

      (Added to NRS by 2011, 797; R 2013, 771, effective January 1, 2014)