NRS 125C.100. Definitions. [Effective through December 31, 2013.]
NRS 125C.105. “Custody or visitation order” defined. [Effective through December 31, 2013.]
NRS 125C.110. “Deployment” defined. [Effective through December 31, 2013.]
NRS 125C.115. “Member of the military” defined. [Effective through December 31, 2013.]
NRS 125C.120. “Parent” defined. [Effective through December 31, 2013.]
NRS 125C.125. “Parent who received orders for deployment” defined. [Effective through December 31, 2013.]
NRS 125C.130. “Temporary duty” defined. [Effective through December 31, 2013.]
NRS 125C.135. Provisions not applicable to order for protection against domestic violence. [Effective through December 31, 2013.]
NRS 125C.140. Jurisdiction retained during deployment of parent; deployment not basis to assert inconvenient forum. [Effective through December 31, 2013.]
NRS 125C.145. Court to hold expedited hearing or allow alternative means of presenting testimony and evidence in certain circumstances. [Effective through December 31, 2013.]
NRS 125C.150. Deployment does not warrant permanent modification of order. [Effective through December 31, 2013.]
NRS 125C.155. Expedited hearing to issue temporary order. [Effective through December 31, 2013.]
NRS 125C.160. Temporary modification of order to accommodate deployment of parent; requirements of temporary order. [Effective through December 31, 2013.]
NRS 125C.165. Expiration of temporary order upon completion of parent’s deployment; exception. [Effective through December 31, 2013.]
NRS 125C.170. Delegation of visitation rights to family member of parent to be deployed; termination of such rights; effect on ability of family member to seek separate visitation order. [Effective through December 31, 2013.]
NRS 125C.175. Limitation on issuance of final order modifying terms of existing order when parent receives mandatory order for deployment. [Effective through December 31, 2013.]
NRS 125C.180. Costs and attorney’s fees. [Effective through December 31, 2013.]
NRS 125C.185. Requirement for parents to cooperate and provide information to each other. [Effective through December 31, 2013.]