NRS 704B.300. Authority of provider to sell energy, capacity or ancillary services; limitations; provider is not public utility because of transaction; jurisdiction of Commission; prohibition.
NRS 704B.310. Application for approval of proposed transaction: Time for filing; contents; confidentiality of certain information; public notice and hearing; review by Commission; terms, conditions and payments as part of approval; time within which Commission must act.
NRS 704B.320. Conditions and limitations for certain proposed transactions; requirements for certain eligible customers; limited disclosure of certain information; duties of Commission; compliance with portfolio standard.
NRS 704B.325. Purchase of energy, capacity or ancillary services from alternative provider after approval of original transaction: Rights and obligations of eligible customers; expedited review by Commission; limited disclosure of certain information.
NRS 704B.330. Replacement of energy, capacity or ancillary services purchased from provider with energy, capacity or ancillary services purchased from electric utility; tariffs.
NRS 704B.340. Time-of-use meters: Requirements; installation; costs; limitations; number; use of other meters or equipment.
NRS 704B.350. Duty of electric utility to provide certain components of electric service; duty of Commission to establish just, reasonable and nondiscriminatory rates; effect of chapter on existing rights and requirements under federal and state law.
NRS 704B.360. Payment of taxes, fees and assessments by eligible customers; billing requirements; disciplinary action for failure to comply.