NRS 704.210. Powers of Commission: Adoption of regulations; supervision and regulation of public utilities; exceptions.
NRS 704.215. Powers of Commission: Adoption of certain rules, regulations and rates by reference.
NRS 704.220. Powers of Commission: Fixing standards; examination and testing of product or service.
NRS 704.223. Authorization of purchase or transmission of electricity to certain businesses to reduce overall cost of electricity to business.
NRS 704.225. Regulations requiring lower rates for electricity for irrigation pumps: Interruptible service.
NRS 704.230. Installation and use of water meters; separate rate for residential users. [Effective until certain conditions concerning agreement between Sierra Pacific Power Company and Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe have been met.]
NRS 704.230. Installation of water meters required by certain residential buildings; exceptions. [Effective when certain conditions concerning agreement between Sierra Pacific Power Company and Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe have been met.]
NRS 704.235. Use by local government of facilities of public utility for treatment, transportation or exchange of water.
NRS 704.240. Powers of Commission: Purchase of apparatus for examinations and tests; entry on premises to make examination and test.
NRS 704.250. Powers of Commission: Standards for maintenance, use and operation of electric poles, wires, cables and appliances.
NRS 704.260. Powers of Commission: Requiring repair and construction of property and use of appliances for safety; regulations.
NRS 704.280. Powers of Commission: Regulation of lines and tracks; regulations; safety devices.
NRS 704.285. Violation of law governing interception or disclosure of communications made by wire or radio: Investigation; hearing; orders to cease and desist.
NRS 704.300. Railroad crossings: Powers of Commission; payment of expenses.
NRS 704.305. Railroad crossings: Apportionment of costs of construction, reconstruction and protective devices; maintenance of surface.
NRS 704.307. Railroads: Duty of Commission to ensure safety; regulations.
NRS 704.309. Railroads: Commission to levy and collect annual assessments; fee for delinquent assessment; sale or transfer of certificate of public convenience and necessity; action for collection of assessment or fee.
NRS 704.310. Sale of surplus light, heat or power by person not public utility; approval by Commission.
NRS 704.320. Purchase of surplus water or electric current by public utility for resale; application filed with Commission; approval of application; seller not deemed public utility.