NRS 676A.500. Provider to act in good faith; fiduciary duty.
NRS 676A.510. Provider to maintain toll-free communication system.
NRS 676A.520. Duties of provider before providing debt-management services.
NRS 676A.530. Required disclosures and materials: Use of Internet; form; written copy provided on request; disclosures on website; termination of electronic communication; termination of agreement.
NRS 676A.540. Agreement: Contents; required provisions; prohibited provisions; provisions void if contrary to certain requirements.
NRS 676A.550. Cancellation of agreement.
NRS 676A.560. Disclosures and documents to be in English; provider also must furnish translation if language other than English is used in communications.
NRS 676A.570. Money paid to provider to be held in trust; requirements concerning trust accounts and money held in trust; accounting; prompt refund on termination of agreement.
NRS 676A.580. Fees or charges: Restrictions.
NRS 676A.590. Voluntary contributions: Restrictions.
NRS 676A.600. Required disclosures by provider.
NRS 676A.610. Agreement voidable by individual in certain circumstances.
NRS 676A.620. Provider may terminate agreement for nonpayment.
NRS 676A.630. Provider to provide accounting periodically and upon request; retention of records.