CHAPTER676A. Uniform Debt-Management Services Act  

NRS 676A.010. Short title.
NRS 676A.020. Definitions.
NRS 676A.030. “Affiliate” defined.
NRS 676A.040. “Agreement” defined.
NRS 676A.050. “Bank” defined.
NRS 676A.060. “Business address” defined.
NRS 676A.070. “Certified counselor” defined.
NRS 676A.080. “Certified debt specialist” defined.
NRS 676A.090. “Commissioner” defined.
NRS 676A.100. “Concessions” defined.
NRS 676A.110. “Credit counseling” defined.
NRS 676A.120. “Day” defined.
NRS 676A.130. “Debt-management plan” defined.
NRS 676A.140. “Debt-management services” defined.
NRS 676A.150. “Debt settlement services” defined.
NRS 676A.160. “Entity” defined.
NRS 676A.170. “Good faith” defined.
NRS 676A.180. “Person” defined.
NRS 676A.190. “Plan” defined.
NRS 676A.200. “Principal amount of the debt” defined.
NRS 676A.210. “Provider” defined.
NRS 676A.220. “Record” defined.
NRS 676A.230. “Settlement fee” defined.
NRS 676A.240. “Sign” defined.
NRS 676A.250. “State” defined.
NRS 676A.260. “Trust account” defined.
NRS 676A.270. Applicability.
NRS 676A.280. Uniformity of application and construction.
NRS 676A.290. Relation to Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act.
NRS 676A.300. Registration required.
NRS 676A.310. Application for registration: Form; contents; fee; bond; evidence of insurance.
NRS 676A.320. Application for registration: Additional contents.
NRS 676A.330. Duty to report changes in information.
NRS 676A.340. Commissioner to make certain information available; certain information confidential.
NRS 676A.350. Issuance of certificate of registration; temporary certificate of registration; grounds for denial of registration.
NRS 676A.360. Commissioner to approve or deny registration within certain period; extension to obtain additional information; appeal of denial; period of validity of registration.
NRS 676A.370. Renewal of registration: Application; form; contents; fees; disclosure; denial.
NRS 676A.380. Alternative application for registration for applicants licensed or certified in another state; conditions.
NRS 676A.390. Surety bond required.
NRS 676A.400. Substitute for surety bond.
NRS 676A.500. Provider to act in good faith; fiduciary duty.
NRS 676A.510. Provider to maintain toll-free communication system.
NRS 676A.520. Duties of provider before providing debt-management services.
NRS 676A.530. Required disclosures and materials: Use of Internet; form; written copy provided on request; disclosures on website; termination of electronic communication; termination of agreement.
NRS 676A.540. Agreement: Contents; required provisions; prohibited provisions; provisions void if contrary to certain requirements.
NRS 676A.550. Cancellation of agreement.
NRS 676A.560. Disclosures and documents to be in English; provider also must furnish translation if language other than English is used in communications.
NRS 676A.570. Money paid to provider to be held in trust; requirements concerning trust accounts and money held in trust; accounting; prompt refund on termination of agreement.
NRS 676A.580. Fees or charges: Restrictions.
NRS 676A.590. Voluntary contributions: Restrictions.
NRS 676A.600. Required disclosures by provider.
NRS 676A.610. Agreement voidable by individual in certain circumstances.
NRS 676A.620. Provider may terminate agreement for nonpayment.
NRS 676A.630. Provider to provide accounting periodically and upon request; retention of records.
NRS 676A.700. Prohibited acts.
NRS 676A.710. Provider to notify Commissioner of civil actions.
NRS 676A.720. Provider liable for conduct of person to whom it delegates duties.
NRS 676A.730. Powers of Commissioner: Enforcement; investigation; regulations; fees; cooperative agreements.
NRS 676A.740. Commissioner to enforce chapter; penalties.
NRS 676A.750. Suspension, revocation or denial of renewal of registration by Commissioner.
NRS 676A.760. Civil remedies.
NRS 676A.770. Violation constitutes deceptive trade practice.
NRS 676A.780. Statute of limitations for certain actions.