NRS 629.011. Definitions.
NRS 629.021. “Health care records” defined.
NRS 629.031. “Provider of health care” defined.
NRS 629.041. Provider of health care to report persons having certain injuries.
NRS 629.045. Provider of health care to report persons having certain burns.
NRS 629.051. Health care records: Retention; disclosure to patients concerning destruction of records; exceptions; regulations.
NRS 629.053. Health care records: Disclosure on Internet by State Board of Health and certain regulatory boards concerning destruction of records; regulations.
NRS 629.061. Health care records: Inspection; copies; use in public hearing; immunity of certain persons from civil action for disclosure.
NRS 629.065. Health care records relating to test of blood, breath or urine: Availability to district attorney and agencies of law enforcement; use as evidence; immunity of certain persons from civil action for disclosure.
NRS 629.066. Provider of health care to maintain record of health plan information provided by patient; exceptions; definition.
NRS 629.068. Provider of health care to provide Department of Corrections with health care records of offender; authorized use of health care records of offender; immunity from civil liability.
NRS 629.069. Provider of health care to disclose results of tests for certain contagious diseases to certain persons; immunity from civil liability.
NRS 629.071. Provider of health care required to furnish patient with itemized bill.
NRS 629.075. Provider of health care to disclose financial interest in facility at which physical therapy is provided when making referral to or recommending facility.
NRS 629.076. Standards for advertisements; provider of health care to display specific licensure or certification; penalties; definitions. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 629.077. Provider of health care prohibited from providing psychiatric care to child in custody of certain agencies without obtaining consent; maintenance of copy of consent.
NRS 629.078. Provider of health care prohibited from acquiring debt based upon services provided to patient; penalty; definitions.
NRS 629.079. Referral of complaints to appropriate jurisdiction; notification of immediate threats to health and safety of public; immunity from civil liability for certain actions; definitions.
NRS 629.081. Conditions under which person who observes rendering of care by practitioner of healing art is immune from civil action.
NRS 629.091. Personal assistant authorized to perform certain services for person with disability if approved by provider of health care; requirements.
NRS 629.095. Commissioner of Insurance to develop standardized form for use by insurers and other entities to obtain information related to credentials of certain providers of health care.
NRS 629.097. Governor to solicit nominees for board positions from applicable professional association.