General Provisions
NRS 616C.400. Minimum duration of incapacity.
NRS 616C.405. Limitations on benefits received by employee.
NRS 616C.408. Restrictive endorsements on checks issued by insurers.
NRS 616C.409. Direct deposit of compensation.
NRS 616C.410. Prohibition of settlements paid in lump sum; exceptions.
NRS 616C.412. Purchase of annuity by insurer to ensure payment of claim; adoption of regulations by Commissioner.
NRS 616C.415. Written explanation of alternative settlements to be given to employee or dependents.
NRS 616C.420. Method of determining average monthly wage.
NRS 616C.425. Date of determination of amount of compensation and benefits.
NRS 616C.427. Challenge to determination of average monthly wage; remedy for incorrect average monthly wage.
Permanent Total Disability
NRS 616C.435. Injuries deemed total and permanent.
NRS 616C.440. Amount and duration of compensation; limitations; effect of previous award of compensation.
NRS 616C.445. Recipient of compensation to report annual earnings; payments suspended if report not made.
NRS 616C.447. Insurer required to make certain accountings to injured employee who is entitled to compensation for permanent total disability; additional accountings may be requested by injured employee.
NRS 616C.450. Compensation to injured employee or dependents of injured employee for permanent total disability or death benefit if injury or occupational disease occurred before July 1, 1980.
NRS 616C.453. Additional annual payment to certain claimants and dependents of claimants who are entitled to receive compensation for permanent total disability; adoption of regulations to determine amount of payment.
NRS 616C.455. Increase in benefits for permanent total disability incurred before April 9, 1971.
NRS 616C.460. Additional increase in benefits for permanent total disability incurred before July 1, 1973.
NRS 616C.465. Increase in benefits for permanent total disability incurred on or after April 9, 1971, or for claimant or dependent not entitled to benefits for disability from federal social security system.
NRS 616C.470. Increase in benefits for permanent total disability if claimant is entitled to benefits for disability from federal social security system.
NRS 616C.473. Annual increase in benefits for permanent total disability incurred on or after January 1, 2004.
Temporary Total Disability
NRS 616C.475. Amount and duration of compensation; limitations; requirements for certification of disability; offer of light-duty employment.
NRS 616C.477. Compensation for lost wages incurred by employee who receives medical treatment after returning to work; prohibition against employer requiring employee to use personal leave for such treatment.
NRS 616C.480. Reduction of benefits for previous injury causing permanent partial disability prohibited.
Permanent and Temporary Partial Disabilities
NRS 616C.485. Permanent partial disability: Loss of or permanent damage to teeth.
NRS 616C.490. Permanent partial disability: Compensation.
NRS 616C.495. Permanent partial disability: Payments in lump sum.
NRS 616C.500. Temporary partial disability: Compensation.
Death Benefits
NRS 616C.505. Amount and duration of compensation.
NRS 616C.510. Increased death benefits if injury or disablement occurred before July 1, 1973.
NRS 616C.515. Additional increase in death benefits if injury or disablement occurred before July 1, 1973.
NRS 616C.520. Increased death benefits if injury or disablement occurred on or after July 1, 1973.