NRS 616C.295. Duties of Chief of Hearings Division: Adoption of regulations establishing codes of conduct for hearing officers and appeals officers, standards for initial training and continuing education and qualifications for hearing officers; expediting of certain cases; annual report.
NRS 616C.300. Hearing officers: Appointment; salary; disqualification from particular case.
NRS 616C.305. Procedure for appeal of final determination of organization for managed care which has contracted with insurer.
NRS 616C.310. Contested cases: Procedures; format; redaction of personal identifying information; representation of insurer or employer by legal counsel or other agent.
NRS 616C.315. Request for hearing; forms for request to be provided by insurer; prerequisites to scheduling of hearing; expeditious and informal hearing required; direct submission to appeals officer.
NRS 616C.320. Resolution of disputed decision of self-insured employer or employer who is member of association of self-insured public or private employers or insured by private carrier.
NRS 616C.325. Representation of employee and employer before hearings officer or appeals officer or in negotiations with insurer; licensure of employer’s representative; employer liable for representative’s violations; compensation of employer’s representative must not be contingent on outcome.
NRS 616C.330. Date, time and place for hearing; evaluation of injured employee; powers and duties of hearing officer; issuance of decision; procedure for obtaining stay of decision.
NRS 616C.335. Award of interest.
NRS 616C.340. Appointment, term, qualifications and salary of appeals officers and special appeals officers; conflicts of interest; finality of decision by appeals officer.
NRS 616C.345. Notice of appeal; notice of contested claim; prerequisites to scheduling of hearing on appeal; effect of appeal on enforcement of decision of hearing officer; setting of date, time and place for hearing on appeal; continuances.
NRS 616C.350. Testimony of physician or chiropractor before appeals officer; privileged communications.
NRS 616C.355. Use of affidavits or declarations as evidence at hearing; notice to opposing party; waiver of right to cross-examine affiant or declarant; effect of waiver.
NRS 616C.360. Record of hearing before appeals officer; rules of evidence; evaluation of injured employee; submission to independent review organization; powers and duties of appeals officer; transcripts; issuance of decision.
NRS 616C.363. External review: Duties of independent review organization; contents and submission of decision by organization; costs; regulations.
NRS 616C.365. Reimbursement of employee’s expenses incurred and wages lost as result of hearing requested by employer or insurer; regulations.
NRS 616C.370. Judicial review.
NRS 616C.375. Stay of decision of appeals officer.
NRS 616C.380. Payment pending appeal when decision not stayed; effect of final resolution of claim.
NRS 616C.385. Costs and attorney’s fees for frivolous petitions for judicial review.
NRS 616C.390. Reopening claim: General requirements and procedure; limitations; applicability.
NRS 616C.392. Reopening claim: Circumstances under which insurer is required to reopen claim for permanent partial disability.