Enforcement of Provisions of Chapter
NRS 562.130. Employees and volunteers; employees of State Department of Agriculture to perform certain duties.
NRS 562.140. Employment of attorneys; compensation.
NRS 562.150. Reports to Governor.
NRS 562.160. Board to fix rate of annual tax; notice to State Department of Agriculture.
NRS 562.170. Maximum rate of tax; minimum amount of tax; deposit of tax in State Sheep Inspection Account.
NRS 562.175. Penalty for failure to pay tax; waiver or reduction of interest or penalty; disclosure of waiver or reduction; taxes levied constitute lien until paid.
NRS 562.190. Use of legislative appropriation to control losses of sheep from predatory animals.
NRS 562.195. State Sheep Inspection Account: Agreement with board of county commissioners for administration; annual statement by county treasurer; reimbursement for administration; termination of agreement.
NRS 562.200. State Sheep Inspection Account: Deposit and disbursement of contributions.
NRS 562.210. State Sheep Inspection Account: Expenditures by Board for promotion, advancement and protection of sheep interests.
NRS 562.220. State Sheep Inspection Account: Payment of salaries, compensation and expenses; limitation on payment of administrative expenses.
NRS 562.230. State Sheep Inspection Account: Payment of vouchers or claims of inspectors; contents of vouchers or claims.
NRS 562.240. Audit of accounts by Board.
Powers and Duties
NRS 562.250. General powers of Board concerning sheep industry; powers of and adoption of regulations by State Quarantine Officer concerning diseases of sheep.
NRS 562.260. Division of State into districts.
NRS 562.270. Rules and regulations.
NRS 562.300. Publication of orders, rules and regulations.
NRS 562.310. Power to subpoena and examine witnesses and administer oaths.