NRS 540A.250. Creation of district for remediation; recovery of expenses.
NRS 540A.260. Preparation and approval of plan for remediation; duty of board to determine costs of developing and carrying out plan; liability of owner or lessee of property.
NRS 540A.262. Prerequisites to determining, expanding or amending boundaries of district for remediation: Hearing; publication of notice of hearing; adoption of ordinance; certain bonds or financial obligations paid in full; territory not required to be contiguous.
NRS 540A.265. Determination of annual fee for properties within district for remediation; collection and enforcement of fee; duty of persons who sell water to provide board with list of clients; power of board to impose ad valorem tax on property within district in lieu of annual fee.
NRS 540A.267. Power of board to issue bonds or otherwise become obligated to pay costs of developing and carrying out plan for remediation; bonds or other obligations secured by certain fees or taxes.
NRS 540A.269. Applicability of chapters 332 and 338 of NRS to contract for plan for remediation; county ownership of property on which remediation equipment or improvements are located not required if certain conditions met.
NRS 540A.270. Reimbursement of expenses to identify, study and remedy condition if costs and expenses in conformity with plan; establishment of criteria for reimbursement; reimbursement subject to availability of proceeds from certain bonds, fees or taxes.
NRS 540A.280. State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources authorized to recover costs of remediation from person who caused or contributed to condition requiring remediation; priority of distribution of money recovered from responsible person; use of money distributed to board.
NRS 540A.285. Determination by board conclusive and incontestable in absence of fraud or gross abuse of discretion; review of determination by district court.