NRS 533.090. Determination of relative rights of claimants to water of stream or stream system: Petition; order of State Engineer; determination in order of importance.
NRS 533.095. Notice of entry of order and pendency of proceedings: Preparation; contents; publication.
NRS 533.100. Investigation of flow of stream and ditches by State Engineer; preparation of surveys and maps.
NRS 533.105. Use of data compiled by United States Geological Survey or other persons; remission of proportionate cost of preparation.
NRS 533.110. Notice of commencement of taking of proofs as to rights; time for filing; publication and mailing of notice.
NRS 533.115. Blank forms enclosed with notice; contents of statement.
NRS 533.120. Statements to be certified under oath; no fee for administering or furnishing blank form.
NRS 533.125. Commencement of taking of proofs; extension of time; determination of rights if claimant neglects or refuses to make proof.
NRS 533.130. Petition to intervene may be filed by interested person not served; contents.
NRS 533.135. Fees of State Engineer; disposition.
NRS 533.140. Preparation and printing of abstract of proofs; preliminary order of determination; notice of availability of evidence and proofs for inspection; service of notice and preliminary order; State Engineer to be present during period that evidence and proofs are available for inspection.
NRS 533.145. Objections to preliminary order of determination; form and contents of objection.
NRS 533.150. Hearings of objections to preliminary order of determination: Contents and service of notice; procedure; witnesses; evidence.
NRS 533.155. Daily deposit by each party.
NRS 533.160. Entry of order of determination after hearing of objections to preliminary order; legal effect of order; certification, printing and service of order.
NRS 533.165. Certified copy of order of determination to be filed with county clerk of county where stream system located; procedure when stream system in two or more judicial districts; order setting time for hearing; service and publication of order.
NRS 533.170. Exceptions to order of determination: Filing and service; pleadings; findings of fact, judgment and decree; service of findings of fact and cost bill.
NRS 533.175. Employment of experts by court.
NRS 533.180. Court may refer case to State Engineer for further evidence.
NRS 533.185. Entry of judicial decree; delivery and filing of final judgment.
NRS 533.190. Costs: Assessment by court; entry of charges on assessment roll; collection and disposition of money.
NRS 533.195. Powers of successor judge; inapplicability of NRS 3.180.
NRS 533.200. Appeal from decree to Supreme Court: Procedure; service of notice of appeal. [Effective through December 31, 2014, and after that date unless the provisions of Senate Joint Resolution No. 14 (2011) are approved and ratified by the voters at the 2014 General Election.]
NRS 533.200. Appeal from decree to appellate court: Procedure; service of notice of appeal. [Effective January 1, 2015, if the provisions of Senate Joint Resolution No. 14 (2011) are approved and ratified by the voters at the 2014 General Election.]
NRS 533.205. Motion for new trial: Service of notice of intention to move for new trial.
NRS 533.210. Finality of decree; application for modification within 3 years after entry; limitations on modification; notice of application.
NRS 533.215. Waiver of notices by claimants or appropriators.
NRS 533.220. Distribution of water; enforcement of order or decision of State Engineer. [Effective through December 31, 2014, and after that date unless the provisions of Senate Joint Resolution No. 14 (2011) are approved and ratified by the voters at the 2014 General Election.]
NRS 533.220. Distribution of water; enforcement of order or decision of State Engineer; appeal. [Effective January 1, 2015, if the provisions of Senate Joint Resolution No. 14 (2011) are approved and ratified by the voters at the 2014 General Election.]
NRS 533.225. County clerk to transmit certified copy of decree to State Engineer; effectiveness of decree.
NRS 533.230. Division of water by State Engineer during time order of determination is pending in district court.
NRS 533.235. Operation of order of determination may be stayed by filing bond with court; conditions of bond; duties of State Engineer.
NRS 533.240. All claimants to be made parties in any suit brought to determine rights; State Engineer to prepare hydrographic survey of stream system; costs; transfer of suit to State Engineer for determination.
NRS 533.250. Admissibility of maps, plats, surveys and evidence on file in office of State Engineer; notice by State Engineer of intention to consider evidence and submission of findings to court.
NRS 533.255. Submission of findings made before March 25, 1915.
NRS 533.260. Regulations of State Engineer requiring blueprints from claimants to be attached to proofs.
NRS 533.265. State Engineer to issue certificates upon final determination of relative rights; contents of certificates; exceptions.
NRS 533.270. Water commissioners: Appointment; duties and salaries; exemption from state personnel system; district supervisors.
NRS 533.275. Engineer for supervision of distribution: Appointment; salary and expenses; additional work.
NRS 533.280. Annual budget for stream system or water district: Preparation; contents; limitation on assessment.
NRS 533.285. Entry on assessment roll of charges in budget; collection of special assessment.
NRS 533.290. Water District Account: Creation; deposit and use of money; accounting.
NRS 533.295. Limitation on use of Water District Account; “expenses” defined.
NRS 533.300. State to be divided into water districts; appointment of advisory boards by State Engineer; meetings.
NRS 533.305. Division of water among ditches and reservoirs; regulation of distribution among users; notice of regulation by water commissioner; duties of district attorney.
NRS 533.310. Administration of distribution by State Engineer if rights determined in manner other than provided in NRS 533.090 to 533.265, inclusive: Petition to district court; notice; hearing; order; appeal. [Effective through December 31, 2014, and after that date unless the provisions of Senate Joint Resolution No. 14 (2011) are approved and ratified by the voters at the 2014 General Election.]
NRS 533.310. Administration of distribution by State Engineer if rights determined in manner other than provided in NRS 533.090 to 533.265, inclusive: Petition to district court; notice; hearing; order; appeal. [Effective January 1, 2015, if the provisions of Senate Joint Resolution No. 14 (2011) are approved and ratified by the voters at the 2014 General Election.]
NRS 533.315. Payment of certain costs in proceeding under NRS 533.310.
NRS 533.320. Payment of cost of administration of final decree and distribution of water; approval of budget; submission to board of county commissioners; provisions applicable.