NRS 533.005. Definitions.
NRS 533.007. “Interbasin transfer of groundwater” defined.
NRS 533.010. “Person” defined.
NRS 533.015. “State Engineer” defined.
NRS 533.020. “Stream system” defined.
NRS 533.023. “Wildlife purposes” defined.
NRS 533.024. Legislative declaration.
NRS 533.0243. Temporary conversion of agricultural water for certain purposes: Legislative declaration; requirements; duration.
NRS 533.0245. State Engineer prohibited from carrying out duties in conflict with certain decrees, orders, compacts or agreements.
NRS 533.0247. State Engineer, assistants and agents authorized to enter land to investigate and carry out duties.
NRS 533.025. Water belongs to public.
NRS 533.030. Appropriation for beneficial use; use for recreational purpose, developed shortage supply or intentionally created surplus declared beneficial; limitations and exceptions.
NRS 533.035. Beneficial use: Basis, measure and limit of right to use.
NRS 533.037. Determination of priority of water right acquired for use in federal reclamation project; no additional water rights granted.
NRS 533.040. Water used for beneficial purposes to remain appurtenant to place of use; exceptions.
NRS 533.045. Right to divert ceases when necessity for use does not exist.
NRS 533.050. Beneficial use of water declared a public use; eminent domain.
NRS 533.055. Storage of water for beneficial purpose; claiming and diversion of water turned into natural channel or watercourse.
NRS 533.060. Right to use limited to amount necessary; loss or abandonment of rights; no acquisition of prescriptive right; reservation of rights by State.
NRS 533.065. Standards of measurement.
NRS 533.070. Quantity of water appropriated limited to amount reasonably required for beneficial use; duties of State Engineer in connection with water diverted or stored for purpose of irrigation.
NRS 533.075. Rotation in use of water.
NRS 533.080. State water right surveyors: Certain projects required to be performed by surveyor; qualifications; appointment; regulations; compensation; State Engineer’s Water License Account.
NRS 533.085. Vested rights to water not impaired.