NRS 50.260. “Prohibited substance” defined.
NRS 50.265. Opinions: Lay witnesses.
NRS 50.275. Testimony by experts.
NRS 50.285. Opinions: Experts.
NRS 50.295. Opinions: Ultimate issues.
NRS 50.305. Disclosure of facts and data underlying expert opinion.
NRS 50.310. Admissibility of affidavit or declaration of laboratory director regarding results of test performed by medical laboratory.
NRS 50.315. Admissibility of affidavit or declaration offered to prove certain facts concerning use of certain devices or withdrawal or holding of evidence related to determining presence of alcohol, controlled substance, chemical, poison, organic solvent or another prohibited substance.
NRS 50.320. Admissibility of affidavit or declaration of chemist or other expert witness regarding presence in breath, blood or urine of alcohol, controlled substance, chemical, poison, organic solvent or another prohibited substance or regarding identity or quantity of controlled substance possessed.
NRS 50.325. Procedure for admission of affidavit or declaration of expert or other person to prove existence of alcohol, quantity of controlled substance or existence or identity of controlled substance, chemical, poison, organic solvent or another prohibited substance in prosecution of certain criminal offenses.
NRS 50.330. Testimony given pursuant to NRS 50.315 or 50.320 may be given by use of simultaneous audiovisual transmission; requirements for use.
NRS 50.345. Expert testimony to show victim’s behavior or condition is consistent with behavior or condition of victim of sexual assault.