General Restrictions and Exemptions; Permits
NRS 484D.600. Prohibited acts concerning size or weight of vehicle; special permit; emergencies; exceptions.
NRS 484D.605. Height of vehicle: Maximum heights with load; exception; unlawful acts.
NRS 484D.610. Height of vehicle: Maximum ground clearance; exceptions.
NRS 484D.615. Length of vehicle: Restrictions; special permit; exceptions.
NRS 484D.620. Length of vehicle: Penalty.
NRS 484D.625. Authorized movement of vehicle on public highway in excess of limits on size and weight; permit; fee.
NRS 484D.630. Operation of motor vehicle exceeding its declared gross weight unlawful.
NRS 484D.635. Maximum weight of vehicle on any axle or per tire.
NRS 484D.640. Limitations on weight for vehicle used by licensed hauler of garbage and refuse.
NRS 484D.645. Limitations on weight for vehicle used by regional transportation commission or its contractor to provide public mass transportation; exception for certain vehicles used as part of demonstration project; definitions.
NRS 484D.650. Measurement of distance between axles.
NRS 484D.655. Reduction of maximum weight limits: Authority and duties of Director of Department of Transportation; factors to be considered by Department of Transportation before reduction.
NRS 484D.660. Applicability of limits on weight to federal highways; reduction of limits by Department of Transportation or governing body of city or county.
NRS 484D.665. Certain larger vehicles prohibited from traveling on State Route 159; duty of Department of Transportation to erect certain markers; exceptions.
NRS 484D.670. Exemption for traction engine and tractor; circular metal band required.
NRS 484D.675. Enforcement by law enforcement agencies; weighing; requiring removal of excess load; penalty.
NRS 484D.680. Fines for violations of limits on weight.
NRS 484D.685. Maximum width of vehicle; permit for increased size or weight.
NRS 484D.690. Maximum width of bus.
NRS 484D.695. Maximum width of recreational vehicle.
NRS 484D.700. Maximum width of trailer, semitrailer, special mobile equipment or equipment for construction or maintenance of highway.
NRS 484D.705. Width of load of loosely piled agricultural products; restrictions for implement of husbandry moved over highway.
NRS 484D.710. Applicability of limits on width to federal highways.
NRS 484D.715. Permit for movement of oversized manufactured or mobile home or similar structure: Requirements; conditions; regulations.
NRS 484D.720. Permit for movement of oversized manufactured or mobile home or similar structure: Additional requirements and conditions; designation of highways; regulations.
NRS 484D.725. Permit to operate or move vehicles with oversized loads.
NRS 484D.730. Contents of application for permit.
NRS 484D.735. Continuous and multiple trip-limited time permits: Maximum weight per axle; fee for investigation; revocation; new application; Department of Transportation to consider recommendation of city or county.
NRS 484D.740. Carrying and inspection of permit.
Unlawful Acts; Penalties
NRS 484D.745. Penalties for operation of oversized or overweight vehicle without permit or in violation of permit.
Regional Advisement in Counties Whose Population is 700,000 or More
NRS 484D.800. Regional advisory committee: Creation; matters subject to recommendation; membership; terms of members; vacancies; members serve without compensation.
NRS 484D.810. Duties of regional advisory committee; duties of Department of Transportation.
Miscellaneous Provisions
NRS 484D.850. Load on vehicle.
NRS 484D.855. Regulations: Loading and securing loads; safety chains and cables for combinations of vehicles.
NRS 484D.860. Display of red lights or flag on load.