Lamps and Other Equipment for Lighting  

NRS 484D.100. When lighted lamps are required.
NRS 484D.105. Distance of visibility and mounted height of lamps.
NRS 484D.110. Headlamps on motor vehicles and special mobile equipment.
NRS 484D.115. Tail lamps.
NRS 484D.120. Reflectors.
NRS 484D.125. Stop lamps.
NRS 484D.130. Turn signals.
NRS 484D.135. Requirements for pole trailer.
NRS 484D.140. Additional equipment for lighting required on certain vehicles.
NRS 484D.145. Colors of certain lamps, lights and reflectors.
NRS 484D.150. Mounting of reflectors, clearance lamps and side marker lamps.
NRS 484D.155. Visibility requirements for reflectors, clearance lamps, identification lamps and marker lamps.
NRS 484D.160. Obstructed lights.
NRS 484D.165. Lamps on parked vehicle.
NRS 484D.170. Lamps and reflectors on farm tractors, farm equipment and implements of husbandry.
NRS 484D.175. Lamps and reflectors on other vehicles.
NRS 484D.180. Spot lamps, auxiliary lamps and lamps for fog.
NRS 484D.185. Flashing amber warning light: Limitations on operation and display; permit to mount on certain vehicles; fee.
NRS 484D.190. Display of flashing amber warning light and signs by certain vehicles used to sell food or beverage.
NRS 484D.195. Display of flashing amber warning light by vehicle of public utility.
NRS 484D.200. Use and display of blue tail lamps by certain vehicles of Department of Transportation; conditions.
NRS 484D.205. Additional equipment for lighting.
NRS 484D.210. Equipment for lighting road with multiple beams.
NRS 484D.215. Use of equipment for lighting road with multiple beams.
NRS 484D.220. Number and intensity of lamps on front of vehicle.