Lamps and Other Equipment for Lighting
NRS 484D.100. When lighted lamps are required.
NRS 484D.105. Distance of visibility and mounted height of lamps.
NRS 484D.110. Headlamps on motor vehicles and special mobile equipment.
NRS 484D.115. Tail lamps.
NRS 484D.120. Reflectors.
NRS 484D.125. Stop lamps.
NRS 484D.130. Turn signals.
NRS 484D.135. Requirements for pole trailer.
NRS 484D.140. Additional equipment for lighting required on certain vehicles.
NRS 484D.145. Colors of certain lamps, lights and reflectors.
NRS 484D.150. Mounting of reflectors, clearance lamps and side marker lamps.
NRS 484D.155. Visibility requirements for reflectors, clearance lamps, identification lamps and marker lamps.
NRS 484D.160. Obstructed lights.
NRS 484D.165. Lamps on parked vehicle.
NRS 484D.170. Lamps and reflectors on farm tractors, farm equipment and implements of husbandry.
NRS 484D.175. Lamps and reflectors on other vehicles.
NRS 484D.180. Spot lamps, auxiliary lamps and lamps for fog.
NRS 484D.185. Flashing amber warning light: Limitations on operation and display; permit to mount on certain vehicles; fee.
NRS 484D.190. Display of flashing amber warning light and signs by certain vehicles used to sell food or beverage.
NRS 484D.195. Display of flashing amber warning light by vehicle of public utility.
NRS 484D.200. Use and display of blue tail lamps by certain vehicles of Department of Transportation; conditions.
NRS 484D.205. Additional equipment for lighting.
NRS 484D.210. Equipment for lighting road with multiple beams.
NRS 484D.215. Use of equipment for lighting road with multiple beams.
NRS 484D.220. Number and intensity of lamps on front of vehicle.
Prohibited Acts
NRS 484D.230. Vehicles in unsafe condition or lacking certain equipment prohibited on highway; prohibited acts related to equipment.
NRS 484D.250. Equipment required.
NRS 484D.255. Requirements for performance.
NRS 484D.260. Maintenance.
NRS 484D.265. Equipment for towing vehicle.
NRS 484D.270. Arrangement of system; device for control.
NRS 484D.275. Reservoirs.
NRS 484D.280. Warning signals and devices for certain buses, trucks and truck-tractors.
NRS 484D.285. Conditions upon use of compression brakes; penalty.
NRS 484D.300. Definitions.
NRS 484D.305. Unlawful devices.
NRS 484D.310. Unlawful change of mileage.
NRS 484D.315. Operation of, or causing or allowing to be operated, with intent to defraud, motor vehicle that has disconnected, nonfunctional or altered odometer.
NRS 484D.320. Conspiracy.
NRS 484D.325. Lawful service, repair or replacement; notice to be attached to vehicle when odometer adjusted to read zero.
NRS 484D.330. Department to enforce provisions of federal law relating to disclosure of odometer reading of motor vehicle and certain other information.
NRS 484D.335. Criminal penalties.
NRS 484D.340. Civil penalties.
NRS 484D.345. Injunctive relief.
Other Equipment
NRS 484D.400. Horns and other warning devices.
NRS 484D.405. Unlawful to operate out-of-state or foreign privately owned motor vehicle equipped with red light or siren; exception; penalty.
NRS 484D.410. Standards and regulations for noise emission; compliance.
NRS 484D.415. Mufflers: Prevention of emissions.
NRS 484D.420. Mudguards.
NRS 484D.425. Mirrors on trucks.
NRS 484D.430. Mirrors on all motor vehicles.
NRS 484D.435. Windshield and windows must be unobstructed.
NRS 484D.440. Restrictions on tinting of windshield or side or rear window.
NRS 484D.445. Windshield wipers.
NRS 484D.450. Safety glazing material in motor vehicles and campers.
NRS 484D.455. Replacement of glazing materials.
NRS 484D.460. Certain vehicles to carry pot torches, lanterns or reflectors; display of devices when vehicle is disabled.
NRS 484D.465. Display of warning devices by vehicle of public utility parked at site of work.
NRS 484D.470. Tow cars required to be equipped with broom, shovel and fire extinguisher; duties of driver; failure to perform duties.
NRS 484D.475. Equipment for tow car: Flashing amber warning lamp; flares, lanterns, lights or reflectors.
NRS 484D.480. Equipment for tow car: Rear and stop lamps; portable electric extension cord.
NRS 484D.485. Event recording device: Disclosure by manufacturer of new motor vehicle in owner’s manual; downloading or retrieval of data; subscription services; penalty.
NRS 484D.490. Television-type receiving equipment.
NRS 484D.493. Dynamic display: Management system required; exceptions.
NRS 484D.495. Safety belts and shoulder harness assembly; requirements for child and other passenger; penalty; exemptions. [Effective until the date the Federal Government rescinds the requirement for the installation of automatic restraints in new private passenger motor vehicles, if that action is based upon the enactment or continued operation of certain amendatory and transitory provisions contained in chapter 480, Statutes of Nevada 1987.]
NRS 484D.495. Safety belts and shoulder harness assembly. [Effective on the date the Federal Government rescinds the requirement for the installation of automatic restraints in new private passenger motor vehicles, if that action is based upon the enactment or continued operation of certain amendatory and transitory provisions contained in chapter 480, Statutes of Nevada 1987.]
NRS 484D.500. Use of safety belts within taxicabs.
NRS 484D.505. Pneumatic tires: Standards; sale or use of nonconforming tire prohibited.
NRS 484D.510. Use of certain cleated or studded tires prohibited; exceptions.
NRS 484D.515. Traction devices, tire chains or snow tires: Use required where highway marked or posted.
NRS 484D.520. Traction devices, tire chains or snow tires: Requirements under certain circumstances.
NRS 484D.525. Installation and mounting of traction devices, tire chains or snow tires.
NRS 484D.530. Mechanical device to provide traction.
NRS 484D.535. Device for control of pollution: Use required; disconnection or alteration prohibited; exceptions.
NRS 484D.540. Device for control of pollution: Penalty; proof of conformity may be required.
NRS 484D.545. Emblem for slow-moving vehicle displayed on certain vehicles; standards.