NRS 484B.760. Penalty for violation of provisions; responsibility of parent of child or guardian of ward; applicability of provisions to bicycles and electric bicycles.
NRS 484B.763. Application of traffic laws to person riding bicycle or electric bicycle.
NRS 484B.767. Certain persons operating bicycle or electric bicycle while on duty not required to comply with laws in certain circumstances. [Effective through December 31, 2013.]
NRS 484B.767. Certain persons operating bicycle or electric bicycle while on duty not required to comply with laws in certain circumstances. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 484B.768. Required action of operator of bicycle or electric bicycle when turning from direct course; when signal not required.
NRS 484B.769. Signals required to be given by operator of bicycle or electric bicycle on roadway.
NRS 484B.770. Where bicycles or electric bicycles may be ridden; limitation on number of persons carried on bicycle or electric bicycle.
NRS 484B.773. Attaching to vehicle upon roadway prohibited.
NRS 484B.777. Operating bicycle or electric bicycle on roadway.
NRS 484B.780. Carrying articles on bicycle or electric bicycle.
NRS 484B.783. Lamps, reflectors and brakes required on bicycles and electric bicycles.