CHAPTER484A. Traffic Laws Generally  

NRS 484A.005. Purposes of chapters 484A to 484E, inclusive, of NRS.
NRS 484A.010. Definitions.
NRS 484A.015. “Alley” defined.
NRS 484A.020. “Authorized emergency vehicle” defined.
NRS 484A.025. “Bicycle” defined.
NRS 484A.030. “Bus” defined.
NRS 484A.035. “Bus stand” defined.
NRS 484A.040. “Center” and “centerline” defined.
NRS 484A.045. “City” defined.
NRS 484A.050. “Combination of vehicles” defined.
NRS 484A.055. “Commercial vehicle” defined.
NRS 484A.060. “Controlled-access highway” defined.
NRS 484A.065. “Crosswalk” defined.
NRS 484A.070. “Divided highway” defined.
NRS 484A.075. “Driveaway-towaway operation” defined.
NRS 484A.080. “Driver” defined.
NRS 484A.085. “Explosives” defined.
NRS 484A.090. “Funeral procession” defined.
NRS 484A.095. “Highway” defined.
NRS 484A.100. “House trailer” defined.
NRS 484A.105. “Intersection” defined.
NRS 484A.110. “Laned highway” defined.
NRS 484A.115. “Local authority” defined.
NRS 484A.120. “Manufactured home” defined.
NRS 484A.125. “Moped” defined.
NRS 484A.130. “Motor vehicle” defined.
NRS 484A.135. “Motorcycle” defined.
NRS 484A.140. “Nonresident” defined.
NRS 484A.145. “Official traffic-control device” defined.
NRS 484A.147. “Original equipment manufacturer” defined. [Effective through December 31, 2017.]
NRS 484A.150. “Owner” defined.
NRS 484A.155. “Park” and “parking” defined.
NRS 484A.160. “Passenger car” defined.
NRS 484A.165. “Pedestrian” defined.
NRS 484A.170. “Person with a disability which limits or impairs the ability to walk” defined.
NRS 484A.175. “Pole trailer” defined.
NRS 484A.180. “Police officer” defined.
NRS 484A.185. “Premises to which the public has access” defined.
NRS 484A.190. “Private way” and “driveway” defined.
NRS 484A.195. “Public authority” defined.
NRS 484A.196. “Qualified alternative fuel” defined. [Effective through December 31, 2017.]
NRS 484A.197. “Qualified alternative fuel vehicle” defined. [Effective through December 31, 2017.]
NRS 484A.198. “Qualified vehicle modifier of alternative fuel vehicles” defined. [Effective through December 31, 2017.]
NRS 484A.200. “Railroad” defined.
NRS 484A.205. “Regulatory agency” defined.
NRS 484A.210. “Right-of-way” defined.
NRS 484A.215. “Road” defined.
NRS 484A.220. “Roadway” defined.
NRS 484A.225. “Rural area” defined.
NRS 484A.230. “School bus” defined.
NRS 484A.235. “Semitrailer” defined.
NRS 484A.240. “Sidewalk” defined.
NRS 484A.245. “Special mobile equipment” defined.
NRS 484A.250. “Stand” and “standing” defined.
NRS 484A.255. “Stop” defined.
NRS 484A.260. “Stop” and “stopping” defined.
NRS 484A.265. “Street” defined.
NRS 484A.270. “Taxicab” defined.
NRS 484A.275. “Through highway” defined.
NRS 484A.280. “Tow car” defined.
NRS 484A.285. “Traffic” defined.
NRS 484A.290. “Traffic-control signal” defined.
NRS 484A.295. “Trailer” defined.
NRS 484A.300. “Traveled portion of highway” defined.
NRS 484A.305. “Truck” defined.
NRS 484A.310. “Truck-tractor” defined.
NRS 484A.315. “Urban area” defined.
NRS 484A.320. “Vehicle” defined.
NRS 484A.400. Provisions uniform throughout State; local authority prohibited from enacting certain ordinances; trial for same offense prohibited.
NRS 484A.410. City or county may adopt penalties for certain violations of driving under influence of alcohol or prohibited substance; person convicted of violation of city or county ordinance subject to other provisions of law for such violation.
NRS 484A.420. Powers of local authority.
NRS 484A.430. Adoption of manual and specifications for devices for control of traffic by Department of Transportation.
NRS 484A.440. Local device for control of traffic.
NRS 484A.450. Designation of through highways and intersections requiring stop or yield; vehicle entering intersection.
NRS 484A.460. Authority of Department of Transportation to designate carpool lanes; duties of Department of Transportation; regulations.
NRS 484A.463. Authority of Department of Transportation to adopt regulations to allow certain low emission and energy-efficient vehicles to be operated in lane designated for high-occupancy vehicles. [Effective through December 31, 2017.]
NRS 484A.463. Authority of Department of Transportation to adopt regulations to allow certain low emission and energy-efficient vehicles to be operated in lane designated for high-occupancy vehicles. [Effective January 1, 2018.]
NRS 484A.467. County or city authorized to adopt ordinance to allow low emission and energy-efficient vehicles to travel in designated lane in planned community.
NRS 484A.468. Parking program for qualified alternative fuel vehicles: Requirements for establishment by local authorities; fee authorized; authorization for participating qualified vehicle to stop, stand or park without payment; exceptions. [Effective through December 31, 2017.]
NRS 484A.470. Authority of Department to adopt regulations concerning special mobile equipment.
NRS 484A.480. Designation of authorized emergency vehicles; equipment; limitations on use of warning devices.
NRS 484A.490. Permit for authorized emergency vehicle issued to other vehicles; certain vehicles not considered emergency vehicles.
NRS 484A.600. Use by governmental entity or agent of photographic, video or digital equipment to gather evidence for issuance of traffic citation.
NRS 484A.610. Issuance of forms for traffic citations; records.
NRS 484A.620. Copy of citation deemed lawful complaint.
NRS 484A.630. Citation: Contents; 5-day notice to appear in court; written promise to appear.
NRS 484A.640. Matching of certain information before officer issues citation or makes arrest; when officer may arrest driver for prior offense.
NRS 484A.650. Officer to demand proof of insurance; citation for operation of vehicle without insurance or for failure to present proof of insurance.
NRS 484A.660. Issuance of citation at scene of accident.
NRS 484A.670. Effect of violation of written promise to appear; when appearance by counsel in lieu of personal appearance is authorized.
NRS 484A.680. Disposition and records of traffic citations.
NRS 484A.690. Audit of records of traffic citations.
NRS 484A.700. When warrant for failure to obey citation for parking violation may be issued.
NRS 484A.710. Arrest without warrant for certain offenses.
NRS 484A.720. When person must be taken immediately before magistrate.
NRS 484A.730. When peace officer has option to give citation or take person before magistrate.
NRS 484A.740. Arrest of nonresident.
NRS 484A.750. Appearance before magistrate having jurisdiction.
NRS 484A.760. Release of defendant when magistrate not available.
NRS 484A.770. Procedure prescribed for arrest without warrant not exclusive.
NRS 484A.800. Sponsor of special event to provide for control of vehicular traffic.
NRS 484A.900. Penalty for violation of traffic law when no penalty provided in statute; authority of court to order repeat offender to pay for and attend school for driver training.


NOTE:                    Section 8 of chapter 472, Statutes of Nevada 2011, at p. 2876, has been codified as NRS 482A.020, 482A.030, 482A.050 and 482A.100.