Agency to Cooperate With Federal Authorities
NRS 442.120. Designation of Department.
Services for Maternal and Child Health
NRS 442.130. Program for maternal and child health: Purposes; administration.
NRS 442.133. Advisory Board on Maternal and Child Health: Creation; membership; terms; compensation.
NRS 442.135. Advisory Board on Maternal and Child Health: Meetings; election of officers; appointment of subcommittees.
NRS 442.137. Advisory Board on Maternal and Child Health: Purpose and objectives.
NRS 442.140. State plan concerning services for maternal and child health; regulations.
NRS 442.150. Provisions to be included in state plan.
NRS 442.153. Testing for amblyopia to be included in state plan.
NRS 442.160. Duties of Administrator of Division.
NRS 442.170. Account for Maternal and Child Health Services.
Services for Children With Special Health Care Needs
NRS 442.180. Program of services: Administration; purposes.
NRS 442.190. State plan for services; regulations.
NRS 442.200. Provisions to be included in state plan.
NRS 442.210. Duties of Administrator of Division.
NRS 442.215. Recovery of costs of corrective treatment from parents by Administrator of Division.
NRS 442.217. Authorization required before purchased services provided; exception.
NRS 442.220. Account for Children’s Special Health Care Services.
NRS 442.230. Cooperative agreement with Federal Government to find, diagnose and treat children with special health care needs.