NRS 432.010. Definitions.
NRS 432.011. Division: Purposes; duties.
NRS 432.0115. Division: Bureaus; administrative sections.
NRS 432.012. Appointment and qualifications of Administrator of Division.
NRS 432.0125. Appointment of chiefs of bureaus of Division; powers and duties of Administrator of Division.
NRS 432.013. Classifications of superintendents of youth centers and facilities for detention of children; classification of Chief of Youth Parole Bureau.
NRS 432.0135. Duties of chiefs of bureaus of Division; restrictions on other employment.
NRS 432.014. Fees for services rendered through programs of Division.
NRS 432.0145. Gifts and grants to Division.
NRS 432.015. Issuance and enforcement of subpoenas for certain hearings.
NRS 432.0155. Establishment of standards for receipt of federal money and programs concerning juveniles, child welfare and child welfare services; development of state plans by Administrator of Division.
NRS 432.016. Nevada Children’s Gift Account.
NRS 432.0165. Nevada Children’s Gift Revolving Account.
NRS 432.017. Account to Assist Persons Formerly in Foster Care.
NRS 432.0175. Contract for provision of shelter and care for certain children: Limitations; regulations.
NRS 432.0177. Transfer of child to out-of-state facility; inspection of facility and interview of child required.
NRS 432.020. Duties of agencies which provide child welfare services.
NRS 432.025. Limitations on use of federal payments for maintenance of children in foster care.
NRS 432.027. Agency which provides child welfare services to provide notice of whether person will be considered for approval as adoptive parent or provider of foster care.
NRS 432.030. Restriction on provision of maintenance and special services by employee of agency which provides child welfare services.
NRS 432.0305. Duties of Department.
NRS 432.031. Department designated agency for administration of federal money for child welfare; acceptance of increase in benefits from Federal Government; certain agencies which provide child welfare services required to enter into agreements to maximize federal money.
NRS 432.032. Regulations.
NRS 432.033. Division authorized to prescribe forms for reports and records.
NRS 432.034. Written statements of responsible relatives of applicants or recipients not required to be sworn under oath; perjury.
NRS 432.035. Division required to adopt regulations relating to custody, use and preservation of records, files and communications filed with Division and agency which provides child welfare services; publication, disclosure or use of certain confidential information prohibited.
NRS 432.036. Limitations on assistance.
NRS 432.037. Creation of Trust Fund for Child Welfare; duties of Division; deposit of money in trust fund for child welfare established in county treasury in certain counties and disbursement from fund.
NRS 432.038. Division and agency which provides child welfare services authorized to maintain account for purchase of records of vital statistics to perform work.
NRS 432.039. Agency which provides child welfare services authorized to petition for appointment as guardian of child in its lawful custody; waiver of fees, charges and bond for appointment as guardian.
NRS 432.0395. Agency which provides child welfare services required to examine credit report of certain children in its custody; correction of inaccuracies; report to Attorney General of information indicating crime.
NRS 432.040. State participation in payment of expenses of maintenance and special services.
NRS 432.050. State Child Welfare Services Account.
NRS 432.070. Procedure for drawing and paying warrants in certain counties.
NRS 432.075. Agencies which provide child welfare services in certain counties required to furnish list of claimants entitled to payments and amounts to county comptroller and Administrator of Division; payment to claimants.
NRS 432.080. Administrative expenses of Division.
NRS 432.085. Liability of parents for maintenance and special services provided to child placed in custody of agency which provides child welfare services; enforcement.
NRS 432.091. Provisions inapplicable to Program for Child Care and Development.
NRS 432.095. Creation and administration of Placement Prevention Revolving Account; authorization of boards of county commissioners in certain counties to establish account for payment of claims of recipients of goods or services from agency which provides child welfare services.