Use of Aversive Intervention, Physical Restraint and Mechanical Restraint on Pupils With Disabilities

NRS 394.353. Definitions.
NRS 394.354. “Aversive intervention” defined.
NRS 394.355. “Chemical restraint” defined.
NRS 394.356. “Corporal punishment” defined.
NRS 394.357. “Electric shock” defined.
NRS 394.358. “Emergency” defined.
NRS 394.359. “Individualized education program team” defined.
NRS 394.362. “Mechanical restraint” defined.
NRS 394.363. “Physical restraint” defined.
NRS 394.364. “Pupil with a disability” defined.
NRS 394.365. “Verbal and mental abuse” defined.
NRS 394.366. Aversive intervention prohibited.
NRS 394.367. Physical restraint and mechanical restraint prohibited; exceptions.
NRS 394.368. Conditions under which physical restraint may be used; report required; requirements if pupil has three or five reports of restraint in 1 school year.
NRS 394.369. Conditions under which mechanical restraint may be used; report required; requirements if pupil has three or five reports of use in 1 school year.
NRS 394.372. Education and training for staff.
NRS 394.375. Disciplinary action against person for intentional violation.
NRS 394.376. Report of violation; corrective plan required.
NRS 394.377. Retaliation for reporting violation prohibited.
NRS 394.378. Reporting of denial of rights; investigation and resolution of disputes by Superintendent.
NRS 394.379. Annual report by private schools on use of restraint and violations; compilation of reports by Department; submission of compilation to Legislature.