NRS 394.168. Definitions.
NRS 394.1681. “Crisis” defined.
NRS 394.1682. “Development committee” defined.
NRS 394.16823. “Emergency” defined.
NRS 394.16825. “Local organization for emergency management” defined.
NRS 394.1683. “School committee” defined.
NRS 394.1685. Development committee: Establishment by private school; membership; terms of members.
NRS 394.1687. Development committee: Development of plan to be used by private school in responding to crisis or emergency; submission of plan to governing body of private school; compliance with plan required.
NRS 394.1688. Annual review and update of plan for responding to crisis or emergency; maintenance, posting and distribution of plan; annual training for school employees.
NRS 394.169. School committee: Establishment; membership; terms of members.
NRS 394.1691. School committee: Annual review of plan prepared by development committee; determination whether to request deviation from plan; notice of review.
NRS 394.1692. Review by development committee of proposed deviation from plan; notice of approval or denial; submission of copy of approved deviation to governing body of private school.
NRS 394.1694. Adoption of regulations concerning development of plans in responding to crisis or emergency, review of proposed deviations and requirements for training.
NRS 394.1696. Duties of principal or other person in charge of private school if crisis or emergency occurs at school; determination by local agency whether crisis or emergency requires assistance from state agency; duties of Division of Emergency Management of Department of Public Safety.
NRS 394.1698. Confidentiality of plans, approved deviations and certain other information.
NRS 394.1699. Inapplicability of Open Meeting Law to development committee, school committee and certain meetings of State Board related to crisis and emergency response.