NRS 391.500. Definitions.
NRS 391.504. “Regional training program” defined.
NRS 391.508. “Statewide Council” defined.
NRS 391.510. Superintendent of Public Instruction required to ensure Statewide Council and regional training programs carry out duties successfully.
NRS 391.512. Creation of regional training programs and Nevada Early Literacy Intervention Programs; provision of services to teachers and administrators in certain geographical areas; designation of certain school districts as fiscal agent.
NRS 391.516. Statewide Council for the Coordination of the Regional Training Programs: Creation; membership; terms; vacancy; compensation; administrative support.
NRS 391.520. Statewide Council for the Coordination of the Regional Training Programs: Duties; acceptance of gifts and grants authorized.
NRS 391.524. Governing body of regional training program: Membership; terms; vacancy.
NRS 391.528. Governing body of regional training program: Meetings; no salary or compensation.
NRS 391.532. Governing body of regional training program: Employment and salary of coordinator; duties of coordinator.
NRS 391.536. Governing body of regional training program: Submission of proposed biennial budget to Statewide Council; approval or denial of proposed budget by Statewide Council; inclusion of approved budget in Department’s biennial budget; acceptance of gifts and grants authorized.
NRS 391.538. Governing body of regional training program: Request for revision of budget; form and submission; approval or disapproval by Statewide Council; determination whether work program revision is necessary.
NRS 391.540. Governing body of regional training program: Adoption of training model; assessment of training needs; preparation and review of 5-year plan; request by another entity for regional training program to perform additional services or duties.
NRS 391.542. Governing body of regional training program: Establishment of evaluation system for teachers and other personnel participating in program.
NRS 391.544. Provision of training to teachers, other licensed educational personnel and administrators; maintenance and distribution of training list; authority to contract with board of trustees for additional training; training for paraprofessionals authorized.
NRS 391.545. Governing body authorized to facilitate and coordinate access to information related to suicide; receipt of information by teachers and administrators does not create additional duty.
NRS 391.548. Payment of certain costs and expenses by regional training program.
NRS 391.552. Evaluation of regional training program by governing body; submission of annual report.
NRS 391.556. Submission of annual report by board of trustees.