Disciplinary Action  

NRS 391.31297. Grounds for suspension, demotion, dismissal and refusal to reemploy teachers and administrators; consideration of evaluations and standards of performance.
NRS 391.313. Admonition of licensed employee: Duty of administrator; removal from records; when admonition not required.
NRS 391.314. Suspension of licensed employee; dismissal proceedings; reinstatement; salary during suspension or dismissal proceedings; forfeiture of right of employment for certain offenses; period of suspension.
NRS 391.315. Recommendation for demotion, dismissal or nonreemployment; request for appointment of hearing officer.
NRS 391.3161. Request for hearing officer; appointment; procedures for challenging selection of hearing officer; duties of hearing officer.
NRS 391.317. Notice of intention to recommend demotion, dismissal or refusal to reemploy; rights of employee; request for expedited hearing if dismissed before completion of current school year.
NRS 391.318. Request for hearing: Action by superintendent.
NRS 391.3192. Procedures for hearing; payment for expenses of hearing officer and transcript.
NRS 391.31925. Person with communications disability entitled to use of registered legal interpreter at hearing.
NRS 391.3193. Written report of hearing: Contents; final and binding if so agreed; time limited for filing.
NRS 391.3194. Action by superintendent upon receipt of report; action by board; notice to licensed employee; judicial review.