General Provisions
NRS 391.311. Definitions. [Effective through March 31, 2014.]
NRS 391.311. Definitions. [Effective April 1, 2014.]
NRS 391.3115. Applicability of NRS 391.311 to 391.3197, inclusive; exceptions.
NRS 391.3116. Contract negotiated by collective bargaining may supersede provisions of NRS 391.311 to 391.3197, inclusive; exception for certain employees deemed probationary.
NRS 391.312. Grounds for suspension, demotion, dismissal and refusal to reemploy teachers and administrators; consideration of evaluations and standards of performance.
Delay of Implementation of Statewide Performance Evaluation System; School Districts Authorized to Opt Out of Delay; Validation Study of System; Policies for Evaluations During Validation Study
NRS 391.31211. For 2013-2014 school year: Application by school district to opt out of delay of implementation of statewide performance evaluation system; school district with approved application not required to participate in validation study.
NRS 391.31212. For 2014-2015 school year: Application by school district to opt out of delay of implementation of statewide performance evaluation system; school district with approved application not required to participate in validation study.
NRS 391.31213. Validation study of statewide performance evaluation system; selection of representative sample of teachers and administrators to participate; disciplinary decisions must not be based on evaluations conducted under validation study.
NRS 391.31214. Policy for evaluations of teachers and other licensed educational personnel instead of NRS 391.3125 during validation study.
NRS 391.31215. Policy for evaluation of administrators instead of NRS 391.3127 during validation study.
NRS 391.31216. Status of probationary employees during validation study.
NRS 391.31217. Report to Interim Finance Committee on results of 2013-2014 validation study; determination by Interim Finance Committee whether all school districts prepared to implement statewide performance evaluation system.
NRS 391.31218. Observation schedule for postprobationary teachers and administrators if statewide performance evaluation system implemented for 2014-2015 school year.
NRS 391.31219. Observation schedule for postprobationary teachers and administrator if statewide performance evaluation system implemented for 2015-2016 school year.
NRS 391.3122. Validation study of counselors, librarians and certain other educational personnel for 2014-2015 school year.
NRS 391.3123. Implementation of statewide performance evaluation system for counselors, librarians and certain other licensed educational personnel for 2015-2016 school year.
NRS 391.3125. Policy for evaluations of licensed educational personnel; number of evaluations and observation schedule; request by postprobationary teacher for another evaluator; recommendations and assistance for employee; copy of evaluation.
NRS 391.3127. Policy for evaluations of administrators; number of evaluations and observation schedule; request by postprobationary administrator for another evaluator; recommendations and assistance for employee; procedures for transfer or reassignment and appeal to board.
NRS 391.3128. Evaluation designating performance of probationary employee as minimally effective or ineffective: Contents of written statement included in evaluation; request for another evaluator; request for assistance in improving performance.
NRS 391.3129. Evaluation designating performance of postprobationary employee as minimally effective or ineffective: Circumstances under which employee deemed probationary and required to serve additional probationary period.
Disciplinary Action
NRS 391.31297. Grounds for suspension, demotion, dismissal and refusal to reemploy teachers and administrators; consideration of evaluations and standards of performance.
NRS 391.313. Admonition of licensed employee: Duty of administrator; removal from records; when admonition not required.
NRS 391.314. Suspension of licensed employee; dismissal proceedings; reinstatement; salary during suspension or dismissal proceedings; forfeiture of right of employment for certain offenses; period of suspension.
NRS 391.315. Recommendation for demotion, dismissal or nonreemployment; request for appointment of hearing officer.
NRS 391.3161. Request for hearing officer; appointment; procedures for challenging selection of hearing officer; duties of hearing officer.
NRS 391.317. Notice of intention to recommend demotion, dismissal or refusal to reemploy; rights of employee; request for expedited hearing if dismissed before completion of current school year.
NRS 391.318. Request for hearing: Action by superintendent.
NRS 391.3192. Procedures for hearing; payment for expenses of hearing officer and transcript.
NRS 391.31925. Person with communications disability entitled to use of registered legal interpreter at hearing.
NRS 391.3193. Written report of hearing: Contents; final and binding if so agreed; time limited for filing.
NRS 391.3194. Action by superintendent upon receipt of report; action by board; notice to licensed employee; judicial review.
Probationary and Postprobationary Employment
NRS 391.3196. Reemployment of postprobationary employees: Notice of reemployment or delivery of contract; acceptance of employment.
NRS 391.31965. Certain postprobationary employees subsequently employed by another school district or charter school not required to serve probationary period; exception.
NRS 391.3197. Probationary employment: Term; notice of reemployment; school district required to offer probationary administrator contract as teacher under certain circumstances; request for expedited hearing if dismissed before completion of current school year.