NRS 387.602. “Management principles” defined.
NRS 387.607. Applicability to extent money is available.
NRS 387.613. Review of school districts; recommendations by Legislative Auditor; selection of school districts by Legislature; qualifications and selection of consultant to conduct reviews; monitoring and oversight of consultant; self-assessment by school district required.
NRS 387.618. Establishment and duties of oversight committee to assist in process of review.
NRS 387.622. Financial management principles and areas for review; additional review by consultant authorized.
NRS 387.626. Duties of consultant; Department required to provide technical support; availability of books, accounts and records necessary for conducting review; confidentiality.
NRS 387.631. Final written report of review; issuance of preliminary report to school district; response by school district; exemption from next review for certain school districts; availability of reports to public.
NRS 387.636. School district required to hold public meeting concerning final report; vote whether to adopt corrective action plan; effect of failure to vote within prescribed time; appearance before Legislature under certain circumstances.
NRS 387.639. Reports by school district concerning progress on corrective action plan; review of reports by Legislative Auditor and Legislature; exemption from next review for certain school districts.
NRS 387.644. Annual reporting by school districts exempt from review.