Fund for Capital Projects
NRS 387.328. Establishment; purposes; accumulation of money for specified period; source; reversion prohibited; pledge of proceeds for payment on bonds.
NRS 387.3285. Tax for fund for capital projects: Levy; contents of ballot question; deposit of money; special election.
NRS 387.3286. Tax for fund for capital projects: Forms for submission of ballot question; examples.
NRS 387.3287. Tax for account for replacement of capital assets or construction of new buildings for schools to accommodate community growth.
NRS 387.3288. Authorization for board of county commissioners in certain counties to levy additional property tax for deposit in fund for capital projects; deadline prescribed.
Tax on Residential Construction
NRS 387.329. Definitions.
NRS 387.331. Imposition of tax in school district whose population is less than 55,000; limitation on amount; deposit of proceeds.
NRS 387.332. Duty of Nevada Tax Commission to review need for tax.
Fund to Assist School Districts in Financing Capital Improvements
NRS 387.333. Creation; acceptance of gifts and grants; investment; payment of claims.
NRS 387.3335. Application for grant; proof of emergency conditions; determinations by Department of Taxation and State Public Works Division; approval by State Board of Examiners; awards of grants.
Issuance of Bonds
NRS 387.335. Issuance of general obligations by board of trustees: Authorized purposes; combining questions for voting.
NRS 387.400. Limitation on bonded indebtedness of county school district.
NRS 387.510. Abolition or change of boundaries of county school district; liability for bonded indebtedness.
Guarantee of Bonds With Money From State Permanent School Fund
NRS 387.513. “Executive Director” defined.
NRS 387.516. Application for guarantee agreement; duties of State Treasurer; limitations on amount of guarantee; ineligibility of certain obligations; investigation and report by Executive Director.
NRS 387.519. Conditions under which State Treasurer may enter into guarantee agreement.
NRS 387.522. Limitation on total amount of outstanding bonds that may be guaranteed; certification by State Treasurer deemed pledge by this state.
NRS 387.524. Guarantee agreement: Required contents; approvals required.
NRS 387.526. Loan to school district upon failure to make timely payment on debt service of guaranteed bonds: Duties of State Treasurer and Executive Director; interest; restrictions on school district.
NRS 387.528. Repayment of loan by school district; duty of State Treasurer to withhold other money from school district upon failure to repay.
Joint Facilities and Projects
NRS 387.531. Joint acquisition authorized; issuance of negotiable general obligation bonds.
NRS 387.541. Issuance of bonds: Approval of debt management commission and voters required; applicability of Local Government Securities Law.
NRS 387.551. Joint operation and maintenance: Powers of districts.
NRS 387.561. Interdistrict agreements and contracts.
NRS 387.563. Acquisition of facility or project for career and technical education; requirements of compact; establishment of advisory council; agreements with community and businesses authorized.
NRS 387.571. Powers, rights and benefits of officers, agents and employees of districts preserved.
NRS 387.581. Public purpose.
NRS 387.591. Liberal construction; other powers preserved.