NRS 387.300. Budgets: Preparation.
NRS 387.301. Budgets: Establishment of criteria for determining budgetary priorities directed at improving pupil achievement and classroom instruction; use of criteria.
NRS 387.303. Budgets: Annual reports by school districts; compilation of reports; biennial budget request for State Distributive School Account.
NRS 387.3035. Duties of Department: Determination of apportionment of state school money; development of uniform system of budgeting and accounting; continuing study of state school finance; preparation of biennial budgets.
NRS 387.3037. Duties of Department: Investigation of claims against school funds and accounts; inspections of record books and accounts.
NRS 387.304. Duties of Department: Annual audit of count of pupils; review of audits and budgets of school districts; consultation with school districts in preparation of biennial budgetary request; training for school district financial officers.
NRS 387.3045. Report of decline in ending balance of general fund of school district.
NRS 387.305. Medium-term obligations.
NRS 387.310. Order for payment of money; procedures for approval of orders and signing of cumulative voucher sheets; issuance of warrants; limitations; cancellation.
NRS 387.315. Statements of purpose and invoices to accompany orders; liability of trustees.
NRS 387.317. Rejection of order by county auditor; return of order with endorsed statement for rejection.
NRS 387.319. Authorized travel by trustee: Payment of travel and subsistence; claims.
NRS 387.320. Quarterly publication of expenditures of school district.
NRS 387.325. Limitation of actions on bills incurred by trustees.