Charter School Financing Law

NRS 386.612. Short title.
NRS 386.613. Definitions.
NRS 386.614. “Bond” or “revenue bond” defined.
NRS 386.615. “Cost of the project” defined.
NRS 386.616. “Director of the Department of Business and Industry” defined.
NRS 386.617. “Expense of operation and maintenance” defined.
NRS 386.618. “Finance” or “financing” defined.
NRS 386.619. “Financing agreement” defined.
NRS 386.620. “Mortgage” defined.
NRS 386.621. “Obligor” defined.
NRS 386.622. “Project” defined.
NRS 386.624. “Revenues” defined.
NRS 386.628. Declaration of legislative intent.
NRS 386.630. General power of Director of Department of Business and Industry to issue bonds.
NRS 386.632. Prerequisites to financing project: Findings of Director of Department of Business and Industry; approval of findings by State Board of Finance. [Effective through December 31, 2019.]
NRS 386.632. Prerequisites to financing project: Findings of Director of Department of Business and Industry; approval of findings by State Board of Finance. [Effective January 1, 2020.]
NRS 386.633. Prerequisites to financing project: Additional considerations by Director of Department of Business and Industry and State Board of Finance; regulations of Director.
NRS 386.634. Prerequisites to financing project: Limitation on amount and purpose of financing; establishment of and compliance with guidelines for financing project.
NRS 386.636. Bonds: Special obligations of State.
NRS 386.637. Bonds: Form and terms; sale; employment of financial and legal consultants authorized as incidental expense to project.
NRS 386.638. Bonds: Security.
NRS 386.639. Bonds: Refunding.
NRS 386.640. Bonds: Exemption from taxation; exceptions.
NRS 386.644. Limitation of actions.
NRS 386.646. Faith of State pledged against repeal, amendment or modification of NRS 386.612 to 386.649, inclusive.
NRS 386.647. Sufficiency of NRS 386.612 to 386.649, inclusive; construction.
NRS 386.649. Regulations.