General Provisions
NRS 386.490. Definitions.
NRS 386.492. “Charter contract” defined.
NRS 386.495. “Director” defined.
NRS 386.499. “Performance framework” defined.
NRS 386.500. “Pupil ‘at risk’ ” defined.
NRS 386.503. “State Public Charter School Authority” defined.
NRS 386.505. Legislative declaration concerning formation of charter schools.
NRS 386.506. No authority to convert public school or homeschool to charter school.
State Public Charter School Authority
NRS 386.509. Creation; purpose.
NRS 386.5095. Appointment and qualifications of members; terms; vacancies; selection of Chair and Vice Chair; compensation, allowances and travel expenses.
NRS 386.5105. Meetings; quorum.
NRS 386.511. Director: Appointment; term; vacancy; unclassified service.
NRS 386.5115. Director: Pursuing other employment or holding other office for profit prohibited without approval of State Public Charter School Authority.
NRS 386.512. Director: Duties.
NRS 386.5125. Employment and qualifications of staff.
NRS 386.513. State Public Charter School Authority deemed local education agency for certain purposes; payment of special education program units by Department.
NRS 386.5135. Account for the State Public Charter School Authority: Creation; interest and income; use of money in Account; acceptance of gifts, grants and bequests authorized.
Sponsorship of Charter Schools; Review and Approval of Applications to Form Charter Schools; Renewal and Revocation of Charters
NRS 386.515. Sponsorship of charter schools by board of trustees, State Public Charter School Authority and Nevada System of Higher Education; duties and powers of sponsor; development of policies and practices by sponsor; grounds for revocation of sponsorship. [Effective through December 31, 2019.]
NRS 386.515. Sponsorship of charter schools by board of trustees, State Public Charter School Authority and Nevada System of Higher Education; duties and powers of sponsor; development of policies and practices by sponsor; grounds for revocation of sponsorship. [Effective January 1, 2020.]
NRS 386.520. Membership and duties of committee to form charter school; contents of application to form charter school.
NRS 386.525. Submission of application to form charter school to proposed sponsor; review of application; written notice of approval or denial; opportunity to correct deficiencies; appeal of denial; biennial report by Superintendent of Public Instruction concerning status of applications.
NRS 386.527. Approval of application; charter contract; notice to Department; determination of sponsor; change of sponsor; requirements for commencement of operation. [Effective through December 31, 2019.]
NRS 386.527. Approval of application; charter contract; notice to Department; determination of sponsor; change of sponsor; requirements for commencement of operation. [Effective January 1, 2020.]
NRS 386.528. Incorporation of performance framework into charter contract; establishment of annual performance goals; revision upon renewal of charter contract; duty of sponsor to collect, analyze and report data.
NRS 386.530. Renewal of charter contract: Performance report by sponsor; application; criteria for review by sponsor; notice to applicant; term of renewal.
NRS 386.535. Revocation of written charter or termination of charter contract by sponsor: Grounds; written notice; opportunity to correct deficiencies; public hearing; notice to Department. [Effective through December 31, 2019.]
NRS 386.535. Termination of charter contract by sponsor: Grounds; written notice; opportunity to correct deficiencies; public hearing; notice to Department. [Effective January 1, 2020.]
NRS 386.5351. Revocation of written charter or termination of charter contract by sponsor: Grounds for revocation or termination without adherence to procedural standards based upon ratings of charter school as underperforming; submission of written report to Department. [Effective through December 31, 2019.]
NRS 386.5351. Termination of charter contract by sponsor: Grounds for termination without adherence to procedural standards based upon ratings of charter school as underperforming; submission of written report to Department. [Effective January 1, 2020.]
NRS 386.536. Closure of charter school; duties of governing body; written notice; written plan for closure; financial affairs of charter school; appointment, duties and financial compensation of trustee. [Effective through June 30, 2020.]
NRS 386.536. Closure of charter school; duties of governing body; written notice; written plan for closure; financial affairs of charter school; appointment, duties and financial compensation of trustee. [Effective July 1, 2020.]
NRS 386.540. Regulations. [Effective through December 31, 2019.]
NRS 386.540. Regulations. [Effective January 1, 2020.]
NRS 386.545. Duty of Department, board of trustees and sponsor to provide information and assistance; provision of additional services by district-sponsored charter schools; availability of summer school and Internet-based classes for certain charter school pupils; request for additional information by Department.
NRS 386.547. Duty of State Board to review statutes and regulations and to provide information.
Governing Body; Operation and Finances; Contracts; Implementation of Statutes; Relations With Board of Trustees
NRS 386.549. Membership and qualifications of governing body; powers; duty to hold public meeting on quarterly basis; authorization of governing body to set salary for attendance at meetings.
NRS 386.550. Operation: General conditions; limitation on programs of distance education.
NRS 386.551. Operation: Governing provisions.
NRS 386.5515. Operation: Eligibility for available money for facilities for charter schools that meet certain conditions; requirements for performance audit; exemption from annual performance audit; quarterly financial report.
NRS 386.552. Preparation of plan for implementation of statutes; written notice to parents and teachers concerning statutes and plan for implementation. [Repealed]
NRS 386.553. Operation for profit prohibited; authorization to incorporate as nonprofit corporation.
NRS 386.555. Support by or affiliation with religion or religious organization prohibited.
NRS 386.560. Authorization to contract for services and facilities; donation of surplus property of school district; authorization to acquire or purchase buildings, structures or property; board of trustees required to allow pupil to participate in class or activity of school district in which pupil resides.
NRS 386.561. Authorization to contract with sponsor of charter school for certain services; annual service agreement; sponsor required to provide itemized accounting; annual reconciliation of difference; request for independent review by Department. [Effective through December 31, 2019.]
NRS 386.561. Authorization to contract with sponsor of charter school for certain services; annual service agreement; sponsor required to provide itemized accounting; annual reconciliation of difference; request for independent review by Department. [Effective January 1, 2020.]
NRS 386.562. Prohibited provisions of contracts with contractors or educational management organizations.
NRS 386.563. Solicitation or acceptance of gifts or money from charter school by member of board of trustees or employee of school district prohibited; exception; penalty.
NRS 386.565. Board of trustees prohibited from interfering with operation and management. [Effective through December 31, 2019.]
NRS 386.565. Board of trustees prohibited from interfering with operation and management. [Effective January 1, 2020.]
NRS 386.570. Count of pupils for apportionment; deposit of money; payment of quarterly sponsorship fee to sponsor; request by charter school for reduction in sponsorship fee; distribution in first year of operation; payment of remaining apportionments upon cessation of operation; solicitation and acceptance of donations and grants.
NRS 386.573. Orders for payment of money; limitations.
NRS 386.575. Bankruptcy: Disposition of property; immunity of State and sponsor from liability.
Account for Charter Schools
NRS 386.576. Creation; investment; credit of interest and income; deposit of money; payment of claims; acceptance of gifts and grants.
NRS 386.577. Authorized uses of money in Account; limitation.
NRS 386.578. Application for loan; requirements of contract for loan; regulations. [Effective through December 31, 2019.]
NRS 386.578. Application for loan; requirements of contract for loan; regulations. [Effective January 1, 2020.]
NRS 386.580. Application for admission; determination of enrollment; authorization to enroll certain children first; discrimination prohibited; exception for charter school that provides education for certain pupils; participation in class or extracurricular activity by pupil enrolled in another school or homeschooled child.
NRS 386.582. Transfer of credit.
NRS 386.583. Adoption of rules for academic retention.
NRS 386.584. Issuance of high school diploma; approval of form for diploma by Department.
NRS 386.585. Adoption and distribution of rules of behavior and punishments; procedure for suspension or expulsion of pupils; adoption of rules for truancy.
NRS 386.588. Fingerprinting of nonlicensed applicants; review of criminal history report by Superintendent of Public Instruction under certain circumstances; prohibition on employment of certain applicants.
NRS 386.590. Employment of licensed teachers required for certain instruction; certain teachers required to possess qualifications prescribed by federal law; qualifications of nonlicensed teachers; qualifications and employment of administrators; limitation on salaries of administrators; submission of information to Department.
NRS 386.593. Certain paraprofessionals required to possess qualifications prescribed by federal law.
NRS 386.595. Employment status; applicability of collective bargaining agreement; request by governing body or school district for employment record; reassignment of licensed employees upon revocation of charter, termination of charter contract or cessation of operation; leave of absence from school district to accept employment with charter school; reinstatement; investigation into misconduct during leave of absence; eligibility for benefits. [Effective through December 31, 2019.]
NRS 386.595. Employment status; applicability of collective bargaining agreement; request by governing body or school district for employment record; reassignment of licensed employees upon termination of charter contract or cessation of operation; leave of absence from school district to accept employment with charter school; reinstatement; investigation into misconduct during leave of absence; eligibility for benefits. [Effective January 1, 2020.]
NRS 386.598. Charter school required to designate employee authorized to administer auto-injectable epinephrine; training for proper storage and administration.
Reports Required of Governing Body and Sponsor
NRS 386.600. Annual reports of budget required; compilation of reports by Superintendent of Public Instruction.
NRS 386.605. Submission of accountability information to sponsor of charter school.
NRS 386.610. Annual report by sponsor of charter school. [Effective through December 31, 2019.]
NRS 386.610. Annual report by sponsor of charter school. [Effective January 1, 2020.]
Charter School Financing Law
NRS 386.612. Short title.
NRS 386.613. Definitions.
NRS 386.614. “Bond” or “revenue bond” defined.
NRS 386.615. “Cost of the project” defined.
NRS 386.616. “Director of the Department of Business and Industry” defined.
NRS 386.617. “Expense of operation and maintenance” defined.
NRS 386.618. “Finance” or “financing” defined.
NRS 386.619. “Financing agreement” defined.
NRS 386.620. “Mortgage” defined.
NRS 386.621. “Obligor” defined.
NRS 386.622. “Project” defined.
NRS 386.624. “Revenues” defined.
NRS 386.628. Declaration of legislative intent.
NRS 386.630. General power of Director of Department of Business and Industry to issue bonds.
NRS 386.632. Prerequisites to financing project: Findings of Director of Department of Business and Industry; approval of findings by State Board of Finance. [Effective through December 31, 2019.]
NRS 386.632. Prerequisites to financing project: Findings of Director of Department of Business and Industry; approval of findings by State Board of Finance. [Effective January 1, 2020.]
NRS 386.633. Prerequisites to financing project: Additional considerations by Director of Department of Business and Industry and State Board of Finance; regulations of Director.
NRS 386.634. Prerequisites to financing project: Limitation on amount and purpose of financing; establishment of and compliance with guidelines for financing project.
NRS 386.636. Bonds: Special obligations of State.
NRS 386.637. Bonds: Form and terms; sale; employment of financial and legal consultants authorized as incidental expense to project.
NRS 386.638. Bonds: Security.
NRS 386.639. Bonds: Refunding.
NRS 386.640. Bonds: Exemption from taxation; exceptions.
NRS 386.644. Limitation of actions.
NRS 386.646. Faith of State pledged against repeal, amendment or modification of NRS 386.612 to 386.649, inclusive.
NRS 386.647. Sufficiency of NRS 386.612 to 386.649, inclusive; construction.
NRS 386.649. Regulations.