NRS 386.110. Body corporate; name.
NRS 386.120. County school district: Number of trustees.
NRS 386.150. Superintendent of Public Instruction to file certificates with county clerks.
NRS 386.160. Election of trustees in county school district whose enrollment of pupils is less than 1,000; terms.
NRS 386.165. Election of trustees in county school district whose enrollment of pupils is over 25,000; terms.
NRS 386.180. Election of trustees in county school district other than Clark or Washoe whose enrollment of pupils drops below 1,000 or in which resolution is adopted pursuant to NRS 386.120.
NRS 386.190. Election of two additional trustees in county school district whose enrollment of pupils increases to 1,000 or more after general election; exception.
NRS 386.200. Alternate manner of creating areas for election of trustees within county school district whose enrollment of pupils is 25,000 or less: Procedure; election of trustees; terms; change of boundaries of areas.
NRS 386.205. Optional districts for election of trustees within county school district whose enrollment of pupils is not more than 25,000: Creation; continuity in number and terms of members of board of trustees.
NRS 386.215. Optional districts for election of trustees within county school district whose enrollment of pupils is not more than 25,000: Documents to be filed with county clerk.
NRS 386.225. Optional districts for election of trustees within county school district whose enrollment of pupils is not more than 25,000: Manner of election.
NRS 386.240. Qualifications of trustees.
NRS 386.250. Nomination of trustee; filing of declaration of candidacy and acceptance of candidacy.
NRS 386.260. Election of trustees; certificate of election.
NRS 386.270. Vacancies.
NRS 386.275. Temporary appointment of vacancy for member in active military service; term of temporary appointment.
NRS 386.290. Subsistence and travel for trustee.
NRS 386.300. Trustees: Terms; oaths.
NRS 386.305. Trustees: Interest in certain contracts prohibited.
NRS 386.310. Officers; organization.
NRS 386.320. Salaries of trustees; donation of salary; employment and compensation of stenographer.
NRS 386.325. Duties of clerk.
NRS 386.330. Meetings; quorum; broadcast of meetings on television authorized.
NRS 386.340. Seal.
NRS 386.345. Membership in county, state and national school board associations; payment of dues, travel and subsistence for attendance at meeting of association.
NRS 386.350. General powers; exceptions.
NRS 386.353. Determination of feasibility of consolidation or sharing of services, functions or personnel with other school districts; authorization to consolidate or share services; Committee on Local Government Finance required to adopt regulations to carry out section.
NRS 386.355. Acceptance of federal financial assistance for areas affected by federal activities.
NRS 386.360. Preparation of plan for implementation of statutes; transmittal of information concerning statutes to parents and teachers; rules. [Repealed]
NRS 386.365. Policies and regulations in county whose population is 100,000 or more: Procedure.
NRS 386.370. Reports to Superintendent of Public Instruction.
NRS 386.380. Power to administer oaths.
NRS 386.390. Acceptance of gifts; acceptance of donation of surplus personal property from another school district; board of trustees required to record, review and report certain gifts; use of form by donor; transmittal of reports to Legislature.
NRS 386.410. Employment of private legal counsel.
NRS 386.415. Agreement to prepare lunches for elderly persons; restrictions.