NRS 354.470. Short title.
NRS 354.472. Purposes of Local Government Budget and Finance Act.
NRS 354.474. Applicability to local governments; “local government” defined.
NRS 354.475. Exemption of certain special districts from requirements of Local Government Budget and Finance Act; conditional exemption from requirement of providing annual audit; regulations.
NRS 354.476. Definitions.
NRS 354.479. “Accrual basis” defined.
NRS 354.4815. “Administrative entity” defined.
NRS 354.4817. “Anticipated revenue” defined.
NRS 354.482. “Appropriation” defined.
NRS 354.484. “Assets” defined.
NRS 354.486. “Audit” defined.
NRS 354.492. “Budget” defined.
NRS 354.493. “Budget augmentation” defined.
NRS 354.496. “Budget year” defined.
NRS 354.499. “Capital assets” defined.
NRS 354.4995. “Capital projects fund” defined.
NRS 354.506. “Contingency account” defined.
NRS 354.510. “Debt service fund” defined.
NRS 354.516. “Encumbrances” defined.
NRS 354.517. “Enterprise fund” defined.
NRS 354.520. “Expenditure” defined.
NRS 354.523. “Expense” defined.
NRS 354.5237. “Fiduciary fund” defined.
NRS 354.524. “Final budget” defined.
NRS 354.526. “Fiscal year” defined.
NRS 354.529. “Function” defined.
NRS 354.530. “Fund” defined.
NRS 354.533. “Fund balance” defined.
NRS 354.534. “General fund” defined.
NRS 354.535. “General long-term debt” defined.
NRS 354.536. “Governing body” defined.
NRS 354.543. “Internal service fund” defined.
NRS 354.548. “Liabilities” defined.
NRS 354.550. “Modified accrual basis” defined.
NRS 354.553. “Proprietary fund” defined.
NRS 354.557. “Regional facility” defined.
NRS 354.560. “Reserve” defined.
NRS 354.562. “Revenue” defined.
NRS 354.570. “Special revenue fund” defined.
NRS 354.571. “Supplemental city-county relief tax” defined.
NRS 354.574. “Tax rate” defined.
NRS 354.578. “Tentative budget” defined.
NRS 354.590. Actions of governing body by resolution or ordinance.
NRS 354.592. Publication of notice: Requirements; cost.
NRS 354.594. Committee on Local Government Finance to advise local governments of regulations, procedures and report forms.
NRS 354.5943. Regulations establishing procedures for transferring function from one local government to another.
NRS 354.5945. Capital improvement plan: Preparation and submission; filing for public inspection; limitation on amount of expenditures; required contents; reconciliation of capital outlay; exemption.
NRS 354.5947. Annual report concerning capital improvements owned, leased or operated by local government: Compilation; requirements; submission.
NRS 354.596. Tentative budget: Preparation and filing; notice and public hearing; duties of Department of Taxation.
NRS 354.5965. Preparation of tentative budget: Preparation, inclusion and availability of list of certain contracts.
NRS 354.597. Preparation of tentative budget and adoption of final budget: Reduction of estimate of revenues by amount of taxes ad valorem expected to be delinquent.
NRS 354.598. Final budget: Adoption; budget by default; certification; appropriations; limitations; changes.
NRS 354.598005. Procedures and requirements for augmenting or amending budget.
NRS 354.59801. Local government to file copy of certain documents for public inspection.
NRS 354.59803. Reporting of expenditures of local government for lobbying activities: Requirements; filing with Department of Taxation.
NRS 354.59811. Limitation upon revenue from taxes ad valorem: Calculation. [Effective through November 24, 2014, and after that date unless the provisions of Senate Joint Resolution No. 15 (2011) are approved and ratified by the voters at the 2014 General Election.]
NRS 354.59811. Limitation upon revenue from taxes ad valorem: Calculation. [Effective November 25, 2014, if the provisions of Senate Joint Resolution No. 15 (2011) are approved and ratified by the voters at the 2014 General Election.]
NRS 354.59813. Limitation upon revenue from taxes ad valorem: Levy of additional tax ad valorem for operating purposes under certain circumstances. [Effective through November 24, 2014, and after that date unless the provisions of Senate Joint Resolution No. 15 (2011) are approved and ratified by the voters at the 2014 General Election.]
NRS 354.59813. Limitation upon revenue from taxes ad valorem: Levy of additional tax ad valorem for operating purposes under certain circumstances. [Effective November 25, 2014, if the provisions of Senate Joint Resolution No. 15 (2011) are approved and ratified by the voters at the 2014 General Election.]
NRS 354.59815. Limitation upon revenue from taxes ad valorem: Levy of additional tax ad valorem for capital projects without approval of voters.
NRS 354.598155. Special ad valorem capital projects fund.
NRS 354.59817. Limitation upon revenue from taxes ad valorem: Levy of additional tax ad valorem for capital projects upon approval of voters.
NRS 354.59818. Limitation upon revenue from taxes ad valorem: Levy of additional tax ad valorem for operation of regional facility without approval of voters.
NRS 354.59819. Separate fund for revenue used for operation of regional facility.
NRS 354.5982. Limitation upon revenue from taxes ad valorem: Authority to exceed pursuant to vote of people; addition of imposed costs.
NRS 354.59821. Limitation upon revenue from taxes ad valorem: Forms for submission of ballot question and examples of previous questions to be provided by Committee on Local Government Finance.
NRS 354.5987. Establishment of allowed revenue from taxes ad valorem of certain local governments by Nevada Tax Commission.
NRS 354.59874. Adjustment of allowed revenue from taxes ad valorem upon assumption by local government of function previously performed by another local government pursuant to agreement between local governments.
NRS 354.598743. Adjustment of allowed revenue from taxes ad valorem upon assumption by local government of function previously performed by another local government that no longer exists.
NRS 354.598747. Calculation of amount distributed from Local Government Tax Distribution Account to local government, special district or enterprise district that assumes functions of another local government or district. [Effective through November 24, 2014, and after that date unless the provisions of Senate Joint Resolution No. 15 (2011) are approved and ratified by the voters at the 2014 General Election.]
NRS 354.598747. Calculation of amount distributed from Local Government Tax Distribution Account to local government, special district or enterprise district that assumes functions of another local government or district. [Effective November 25, 2014, if the provisions of Senate Joint Resolution No. 15 (2011) are approved and ratified by the voters at the 2014 General Election.]
NRS 354.59875. Calculation and imposition of common levy for unincorporated town.
NRS 354.59881. Limitations on fees applicable to public utilities: Definitions.
NRS 354.598812. Limitations on fees applicable to public utilities: “Customer” defined.
NRS 354.598813. Limitations on fees applicable to public utilities: “Delinquent amount” defined.
NRS 354.598814. Limitations on fees applicable to public utilities: “Fee” defined.
NRS 354.598815. Limitations on fees applicable to public utilities: “Jurisdiction” defined.
NRS 354.598816. Limitations on fees applicable to public utilities: “Personal wireless service” defined.
NRS 354.5988165. Limitations on fees applicable to public utilities: “Place of primary use” defined.
NRS 354.598817. Limitations on fees applicable to public utilities: “Public utility” defined.
NRS 354.598818. Limitations on fees applicable to public utilities: “Revenue” defined.
NRS 354.59883. Limitations on fees applicable to public utilities: Adoption of ordinance imposing or increasing fee prohibited under certain circumstances.
NRS 354.59885. Limitations on fees applicable to public utilities: Submission of certain information by public utility before commencement of service; quarterly statements of revenue required; identification of customers provided to public utility; information included in bill.
NRS 354.59887. Limitations on fees applicable to public utilities: Rate; quarterly payments; collection; penalties and interest on delinquent amounts; apportionment among customers of public utility.
NRS 354.59888. Limitations on fees applicable to public utilities: Errors concerning billing for certain fees or designation of place of primary use; notification by customers of certain public utilities.
NRS 354.59889. Limitations on fees applicable to public utilities: Change of fees.
NRS 354.5989. Limitations on fees for business licenses; exceptions.
NRS 354.59891. Limitations on fees for building permits, barricade permits and encroachment permits; exceptions.
NRS 354.59893. Advisory committee to review enterprise fund for issuance of building permits, barricade permits and encroachment permits: Establishment; appointment and terms of members; officers; duties and powers.
NRS 354.599. Specified source of additional revenue required under certain circumstances when Legislature directs local governmental action requiring additional funding.
NRS 354.600. Contents of budget.
NRS 354.601. Construction of capital improvement without funding for operation and maintenance included in approved budget prohibited.
NRS 354.6015. Fiscal report of local government: Requirements; publication; regulations.
NRS 354.6025. Annual report of indebtedness of local government: Requirement; compilation into state report.
NRS 354.603. Separate accounts in bank, credit union or savings and loan association for school district, county hospital, consolidated library district and district library.
NRS 354.604. Funds maintained by local governments.
NRS 354.608. Contingency account: Establishment; limit on appropriations; expenditures.
NRS 354.609. Petty cash, imprest or revolving account.
NRS 354.6105. Fund for extraordinary maintenance, repair or improvement of capital projects.
NRS 354.6113. Fund for construction of capital projects.
NRS 354.6115. Fund to stabilize operation of local government and mitigate effects of natural disaster.
NRS 354.6116. Revenue from taxes ad valorem from lessee or user of certain taxable property to be deposited in or transferred to certain funds.
NRS 354.6117. Limitation on amount of money transferred to certain funds; exception.
NRS 354.6118. Interfund loans or loans to other local governments: Public hearing required.
NRS 354.612. Establishment of one or more funds by resolution required; contents of resolution; accounting requirements; copy of resolution to be provided to Department of Taxation; proprietary funds; enterprise funds.
NRS 354.613. Enterprise funds: Loan or transfer of money in or associated with fund; increase in amount of fee imposed for purpose of fund; compliance reports; remedy for violation; regulations; applicability; plan to eliminate certain transfers from fund. [Effective through June 30, 2017.]
NRS 354.613. Enterprise funds: Loan or transfer of money in or associated with fund; increase in amount of fee imposed for purpose of fund; compliance reports; remedy for violation; regulations; applicability; plan to eliminate certain transfers from fund. [Effective July 1, 2017, through June 30, 2021.]
NRS 354.613. Enterprise funds: Loan or transfer of money in or associated with fund; increase in amount of fee imposed for purpose of fund; compliance reports; remedy for violation; regulations. [Effective July 1, 2021.]
NRS 354.6135. Governing body authorized to loan or transfer money from enterprise fund; authorized use of money received; reporting requirements; regulations; applicability. [Effective through June 30, 2017.]
NRS 354.616. Adjustment of expenses and revenues.
NRS 354.620. Unencumbered balance of appropriation lapses at end of fiscal year; reversion to fund.
NRS 354.6215. Limitation on use of reserves or balances of funds created to insure risks.
NRS 354.624. Annual audit: Requirements; designation of auditor; scope and disposition; dissemination; prohibited provision in contract with auditor.
NRS 354.6241. Contents of statement to auditor; expenditure of excess reserves in certain funds.
NRS 354.6245. Review of annual audits by Department of Taxation; plan of correction of violations.
NRS 354.625. Records relating to property and equipment; control of inventory.
NRS 354.6256. Use of proceeds of certain obligations to pay operating expenses prohibited; exceptions.
NRS 354.626. Unlawful expenditure of money in excess of amount appropriated; penalties; exceptions.