NRS 353.500. Definitions.
NRS 353.510. “Agreement” defined.
NRS 353.520. “Board” defined.
NRS 353.530. “Chief” defined.
NRS 353.540. “State agency” defined.
NRS 353.545. Legislative findings and declaration.
NRS 353.550. Requirements for agreement by state agency to acquire real property or interest in or improvement to real property with terms that extend beyond biennium in which executed.
NRS 353.555. Approval of Legislature or Interim Finance Committee required for certain changes in scope of agreement.
NRS 353.560. Legislature not obligated to appropriate money for payments due pursuant to agreement; prohibition on such representations.
NRS 353.570. State Treasurer authorized to take appropriate actions to facilitate agreements.
NRS 353.580. Exemption of agreement from requirement of competitive bidding or other restrictions on procedure for awarding contracts.
NRS 353.590. Exemption of agreement involving construction, alteration, repair or remodeling of improvement from laws requiring competitive bidding and certain provisions relating to public works; exceptions.
NRS 353.600. Lease of property subject to agreement involving improvement to state property: Conditions for entry; review and approval.
NRS 353.610. State agency to file copy of agreement and schedule of payments with Chief and State Treasurer upon execution of agreement.
NRS 353.620. Property subject to agreement exempt from ad valorem property taxation in certain circumstances.
NRS 353.630. Property subject to agreement deemed property of State or state agency for purposes of statutory limits on damages that may be awarded against State in certain circumstances.