NRS 349.150. Short title.
NRS 349.152. Purpose; supplemental nature.
NRS 349.154. Definitions.
NRS 349.156. “Acquisition” and “acquire” defined.
NRS 349.158. “Chair” and “Chair of the Commission” defined.
NRS 349.160. “Commercial bank” defined.
NRS 349.162. “Commission” defined.
NRS 349.164. “Condemnation” and “condemn” defined.
NRS 349.166. “Controller” defined.
NRS 349.168. “Cost of any project” defined.
NRS 349.169. “Disposal” and “dispose” defined.
NRS 349.1695. “Equip” and “equipment” defined.
NRS 349.170. “Facilities” defined.
NRS 349.172. “Federal Government” defined.
NRS 349.174. “Federal securities” defined.
NRS 349.176. “Governor” defined.
NRS 349.178. “Gross revenues” and “gross pledged revenues” defined.
NRS 349.180. “Hereby,” “herein,” “hereinabove,” “hereinafter,” “hereinbefore,” “hereof,” “hereto,” “hereunder,” “heretofore” and “hereafter” defined.
NRS 349.182. “Holder” defined.
NRS 349.184. “Improvement” and “improve” defined.
NRS 349.186. “Net revenues” and “net pledged revenues” defined.
NRS 349.188. “Operation and maintenance expenses” defined.
NRS 349.192. “Pledged revenues” defined.
NRS 349.194. “Project” defined.
NRS 349.196. “Secretary” defined.
NRS 349.198. “State securities” and “securities” defined.
NRS 349.200. “State” defined.
NRS 349.202. “Taxation” defined.
NRS 349.204. “Taxes” defined.
NRS 349.206. “Treasurer” defined.
NRS 349.208. “Trust bank” defined.
NRS 349.210. “United States” defined.
NRS 349.212. Powers of State in connection with projects.
NRS 349.213. Power of eminent domain; reimbursement of public utility for removal and relocation.
NRS 349.214. Power of State to become obligated and issue securities for project.
NRS 349.216. Types of securities which may be issued; series.
NRS 349.218. Notes and warrants: Maturity; extension or funding.
NRS 349.220. Temporary bonds: Conditions, terms and provisions; rights and remedies of holder.
NRS 349.222. Resolution authorizing issuance of securities: Description of purposes.
NRS 349.223. Sale of securities as investment to defray anticipated costs of college.
NRS 349.224. General obligations: Types of securities.
NRS 349.225. General obligation bonds subject to review and approval of State Board of Finance; exception.
NRS 349.226. Special obligations: Types of securities.
NRS 349.227. Variable rates of interest for securities; agreement with third party for assurance of payment for securities; reimbursement for advances made pursuant to agreement.
NRS 349.2275. Variable rates of interest: Exemption from limitations; conclusive findings of Commission that procedure for determination of rates is reasonable.
NRS 349.228. Securities issued as general obligations payable from gross revenues: Covenant requiring appropriations to pay expenses of operation and maintenance.
NRS 349.230. Securities issued as general obligations constitute outstanding indebtedness of State; exceptions.
NRS 349.232. Securities issued as special obligations do not constitute outstanding indebtedness of State.
NRS 349.234. Recitals required in state securities.
NRS 349.236. Payment of principal of and interest on general obligation bonds from Consolidated Bond Interest and Redemption Fund.
NRS 349.238. Annual levy of special tax to pay interest on and retire securities issued as general obligations; proceeds of tax kept in two special funds. [Effective through November 24, 2014, and after that date unless the provisions of Senate Joint Resolution No. 15 (2011) are approved and ratified by the voters at the 2014 General Election.]
NRS 349.238. Annual levy of special tax to pay interest on and retire securities issued as general obligations; proceeds of tax kept in two special funds. [Effective November 25, 2014, if the provisions of Senate Joint Resolution No. 15 (2011) are approved and ratified by the voters at the 2014 General Election.]
NRS 349.240. Time and duration of levy of special tax.
NRS 349.242. Payment from State General Fund when taxes insufficient to pay amount due on securities issued as general obligations; reimbursement of State General Fund.
NRS 349.244. Application of other available money to payment of interest on and principal of securities issued as general obligations.
NRS 349.248. Proceeds of taxes specially appropriated to payment of principal and interest.
NRS 349.250. Payment of state securities not to be secured by encumbrance, mortgage or pledge of State’s property; exception.
NRS 349.251. Agreement for exchange of payments based on interest rates for state securities issued or proposed to be issued by Commission: Conditions; rates of interest; term of agreement; agreement does not constitute outstanding indebtedness of State; limitations on rate of interest on state securities inapplicable; money pledged to debt service of state securities may be used to make payments required by agreement.
NRS 349.252. Recourse against members of Commission and state officers and agents: Acceptance of securities constitutes waiver and release.
NRS 349.254. Covenants in resolution authorizing issuance of special obligations impose no liability against State or its general credit.
NRS 349.256. Faith of State pledged against repeal, amendment or modification of State Securities Law.
NRS 349.260. Details of state securities provided by resolution.
NRS 349.262. Issuance of state securities.
NRS 349.270. Securities sold publicly to be sold to responsible bidder making best bid; equal bids.
NRS 349.274. Recital in securities conclusive evidence of validity and regularity of issuance.
NRS 349.276. Denomination, negotiability and maturity of state securities; rate of interest.
NRS 349.278. Payment of principal, interest and premium when due without further order.
NRS 349.280. Interest coupons.
NRS 349.282. Execution, signing, countersigning and authentication of state securities and coupons.
NRS 349.284. Facsimile signatures and seals.
NRS 349.286. Securities not invalid because signatories cease to fill offices.
NRS 349.288. Adoption of facsimile signature of predecessor in office.
NRS 349.290. Redemption before maturity.
NRS 349.292. Repurchase of state securities.
NRS 349.294. Use of money received from issuance of state securities.
NRS 349.296. Disposition of unexpended balance of proceeds after completion of project.
NRS 349.298. Validity of securities not dependent on proceedings relating to project or completion of purpose; purchasers not responsible for application of proceeds.
NRS 349.300. Special funds and accounts: Creation; purposes.
NRS 349.302. Employment of legal and other expert services; contracts for sale and other purposes.
NRS 349.303. Delegation of power of Commission to State Treasurer or designee to sign contracts or accept binding bids for purchase of bonds; establishment of certain requirements and approval of certain terms by Commission for purchase of bonds.
NRS 349.304. Investment and reinvestment of revenues and proceeds of taxes and securities in federal securities or certain money market mutual funds.
NRS 349.306. Covenants and other provisions in state securities.
NRS 349.308. Pledged revenues received or credited subject to immediate lien; priority and validity of lien.
NRS 349.310. Rights and powers of holders of state securities and trustees.
NRS 349.312. Receivers: Appointment; powers and duties.
NRS 349.314. Rights and remedies cumulative.
NRS 349.316. Failure of holder to proceed does not relieve State, Commission and officers, agents and employees of State of liability for nonperformance of duties.
NRS 349.318. Interim debentures: Issuance for general or special obligations.
NRS 349.320. Issuance of state securities constituting debt to fund or refund special obligations not constituting indebtedness: Conditions; restrictions.
NRS 349.322. Interim debentures: Maturity; use of proceeds; issuance.
NRS 349.324. Interim debentures: Security for payment.
NRS 349.326. Interim debentures: Extension and funding.
NRS 349.328. Interim debentures: Funding by reissuance of bonds pledged as collateral security; issuance of other bonds.
NRS 349.330. Refunding of general and special obligation bonds: Resolution; trust indenture.
NRS 349.332. Calls for prior redemption: Limitations.
NRS 349.334. Exchange of outstanding securities held by State or its agencies for funding or refunding.
NRS 349.336. Refunding of outstanding securities evidencing long-term loans.
NRS 349.338. Refunding bonds: Exchange for outstanding bonds or federal securities; public or private sale.
NRS 349.340. Conditions for refunding bonds.
NRS 349.342. Refunding bonds: Disposition of proceeds; accrued interest and premium; costs; escrow; trusts.
NRS 349.344. Proceeds of refunding bonds in escrow or trust: Investment; security; sufficient amount; purchaser not responsible for application of proceeds.
NRS 349.346. Refunding bonds payable from taxes or pledged revenues.
NRS 349.348. Issuance of bonds separately or in combination.
NRS 349.350. Other statutory provisions applicable to refunding bonds.
NRS 349.352. Conclusive determination of Commission that statutory limitations have been met.
NRS 349.354. Bonds and other securities exempt from taxation; exceptions.
NRS 349.356. Securities issued as general obligations are legal investments for state money.
NRS 349.358. Legal investments for other persons.
NRS 349.362. Sufficiency of State Securities Law.
NRS 349.364. Liberal construction.