General Provisions
NRS 338.140. Requirements and limitations relating to drafting of specifications for bids; documents generated by bidder in preparation or determination of prices included in bid.
NRS 338.141. Bids to include certain information concerning subcontractors and prime contractors; when bids deemed not responsive with respect to subcontractors; requirements and penalties for substitution of named subcontractors.
NRS 338.1415. Local government prohibited from accepting bid on contract for public work submitted by contractor who materially breached certain contracts for public works.
NRS 338.142. Notice of protest of award of contract: Period for filing; contents; posting and disposition of bond or security; stay of action; immunity of public body from liability to bidder.
NRS 338.1425. Prohibition against public body entering into contract with design professional who is not member of design-build team for services on public work until certain period after public body transmits certain information to licensing board of design professional; posting of such information by licensing board.
NRS 338.1427. Duty of State Public Works Division to report to Office of Economic Development concerning local emerging small businesses. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
Alternative Procedures for Local Governments
NRS 338.143. Advertising for bids and compliance with certain provisions required for commencement of certain public works; quarterly reports of awarded contracts by authorized representatives; availability of plans and specifications for public inspection; award of contract to lowest responsive and responsible bidder; rejection of bids; authority to award contract without competitive bidding if no bids received in response to advertisement for bids in certain circumstances; requirements before local government may commence public work itself; exemptions. [Effective through June 30, 2017.]
NRS 338.143. Advertising for bids and compliance with certain provisions required for commencement of certain public works; quarterly reports of awarded contracts by authorized representatives; availability of plans and specifications for public inspection; award of contract to lowest responsive and responsible bidder; rejection of bids; authority to award contract without competitive bidding if no bids received in response to advertisement for bids in certain circumstances; requirements before local government may commence public work itself; exemptions. [Effective July 1, 2017.]
NRS 338.1435. Constructability review required before advertising for bids.
NRS 338.1442. Local government to award contract for smaller public work to contractor or perform public work itself.
NRS 338.1444. Requirements for awarding contract for smaller public work to contractor.
NRS 338.1446. Attestation required before local government may perform certain smaller public works itself.
NRS 338.147. Contract for public work for which estimated cost exceeds $250,000 must be awarded to contractor who submits best bid; certain bids deemed best bid; eligibility to receive preference in bidding; issuance of certificate of eligibility by State Contractors’ Board; regulations; fees; sanctions; objections.
NRS 338.1475. Award of contract to unlicensed or improperly licensed contractor prohibited; replacement of unacceptable subcontractor before contract is awarded; rescission of award of contract to unlicensed or improperly licensed contractor before commencement of work.
NRS 338.148. Awarding of contract to specialty contractor: Conditions.
Provisions Required in Contracts
NRS 338.150. Provisions requiring use of method of alternate dispute resolution before initiation of judicial action; exception.
NRS 338.153. Provision requiring persons who provide labor, equipment, materials, supplies or services for public work to comply with all applicable state and local laws.
NRS 338.155. Provisions relating to design professional who is not member of design-build team.