NRS 333.250. Classification of commodities; schedules of purchases by classes.
NRS 333.260. Estimates of requirements.
NRS 333.270. Determination of quantity to be purchased of each commodity after receipt of estimate of requirements.
NRS 333.280. Contract for furnishing supplies, materials and equipment: Period and form; extension. [Effective through December 31, 2013.]
NRS 333.280. Contract for furnishing supplies, materials and equipment: Period and form; extension. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 333.290. Use of materials, supplies or products of state institutions: Contents of advertisement for bids.
NRS 333.300. Notices of proposed purchases; purchase by formal contract; preferences; emergency purchases. [Effective through December 31, 2013.]
NRS 333.300. Notices of proposed purchases; purchase by formal contract; solicitation; preferences; emergency purchases. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 333.310. Advertisements for bids or proposals: Contents and publication.
NRS 333.311. Request for proposals to include minimum requirements for awarding contract; award of contract to noncomplying bidder prohibited.
NRS 333.313. On-line bidding.
NRS 333.315. Cost of providing service to be determined including all costs related to contract, including monitoring or reviewing private contractor.
NRS 333.320. Specification for bids for supplying state institutions: Requirements.
NRS 333.330. Bids: Itemization; requirements for submission; opening and reading.
NRS 333.333. Proprietary information regarding trade secret: Confidentiality; disclosure.
NRS 333.335. Proposals: Evaluation; factors to be considered before making an award; relative weight of factors; special procedures if contract is being awarded for Public Employees’ Benefits Program; confidentiality.
NRS 333.3361. Preference for bid or proposal submitted by local business owned by veteran with service-connected disability: Definitions.
NRS 333.3362. Preference for bid or proposal submitted by local business owned by veteran with service-connected disability: “Business owned by a veteran with a service-connected disability” defined.
NRS 333.3363. Preference for bid or proposal submitted by local business owned by veteran with service-connected disability: “Local business” defined.
NRS 333.3364. Preference for bid or proposal submitted by local business owned by veteran with service-connected disability: “State purchasing contract” defined.
NRS 333.3365. Preference for bid or proposal submitted by local business owned by veteran with service-connected disability: “Veteran with a service-connected disability” defined.
NRS 333.3366. Preference for bid or proposal submitted by local business owned by veteran with service-connected disability: Amount of preference.
NRS 333.3367. Preference for bid or proposal submitted by local business owned by veteran with service-connected disability: Fraudulent acts committed in applying for preference.
NRS 333.3368. Preference for bid or proposal submitted by local business owned by veteran with service-connected disability: Duty of Purchasing Division to report to Legislature.
NRS 333.3369. Preference for bid or proposal submitted by local business owned by veteran with service-connected disability: Regulations.
NRS 333.337. Contracts entered into pursuant to this chapter must be in writing and signed by each party.
NRS 333.340. Award of contract or order for goods: Determination of lowest responsible bidder; written statement to be provided if contract or order is not awarded to lowest bidder.
NRS 333.350. Contracts for separate items or portions or groups of items or for portions or groups of portions of project; rejection of all bids or proposals; necessary open market purchases; withdrawal of bid or proposal; records of bids and proposals.
NRS 333.355. Administrator of Purchasing Division may request check or bond to accompany bid or proposal.
NRS 333.360. Performance bonds; Administrator of Purchasing Division may require check or bond before entering into contract.
NRS 333.365. Breach of contract: Penalties.
NRS 333.370. Appeal by person making unsuccessful bid or proposal.
NRS 333.372. Regulations concerning forms of security to be submitted with notice of appeal.
NRS 333.375. Award of contract to nonprofit organization or agency for training and employment of persons with mental or physical disabilities.
NRS 333.380. Rules of Administrator to provide procedure for unscheduled or emergency purchases and purchases with money from State Purchasing Fund.
NRS 333.390. Authorization for local purchasing: Individual orders not exceeding $5,000; orders for heavy equipment; purchases of perishable articles.
NRS 333.395. Contracts with certificated interstate or intrastate carriers of persons or property; informal quotations of rates.
NRS 333.400. Purchase of commodities out of schedule: Quotations to be obtained; exceptions.
NRS 333.410. Quotations to be secured from state institutions; preference to products.
NRS 333.420. Delivery of supplies, material and equipment: Memoranda of shipments and invoices to be transmitted by seller.
NRS 333.430. Cooperation of two or more departments in securing supplies: Distribution of expense.
NRS 333.435. Purchase of prescription drugs, pharmaceutical services or medical supplies by using agency.
NRS 333.450. Payment of claims for supplies, materials, equipment and services; annual assessment of fee for procurement and inventory services; regulations.
NRS 333.460. Payment by using agency by transfer or warrant.