CHAPTER293C. City Elections  

NRS 293C.100. Applicability of chapter.
NRS 293C.110. Conduct of city election controlled by governing body; exceptions.
NRS 293C.112. Governing body authorized to conduct city election by mail under certain circumstances.
NRS 293C.115. Governing body of general law city authorized to choose dates for primary and general elections; dates to be in accordance with this chapter or chapter 293 of NRS; effect upon terms of serving city officials.
NRS 293C.120. Governing body to provide ballots and supplies.
NRS 293C.140. Date of general city election in cities of population categories one and two; candidates to be voted upon by electors at large; terms of council members; exceptions.
NRS 293C.145. Date of general city election in city of population category three; number of council members; terms of mayor and council members; procedure for filing declaration of candidacy; candidates for mayor to be voted upon by electors at large; candidates for city council to be voted upon by electors of ward or electors at large; exceptions.
NRS 293C.175. Date of primary city election; procedure for filing declaration of candidacy; candidates to be voted upon by electors at large; placement of names of candidates on ballot for general city election; exceptions.
NRS 293C.180. Declaration of nominees: Omission and appearance of names on primary ballot; declaration of single candidate as elected to office.
NRS 293C.185. Declaration or acceptance of candidacy: Filing required before name may be printed on ballot; form; contents; address of candidate; retention of proof of identity and residency; appointment of agent for service of process; investigation and disqualification of candidate who has been convicted of felony and has not had civil rights restored.
NRS 293C.186. Written challenges of qualifications of candidates.
NRS 293C.1865. Penalty for willfully filing declaration or acceptance of candidacy with knowledge it contains false statement; posting of notice of disqualification at polling place required in certain circumstances.
NRS 293C.187. Contents and publication of notice of primary or general city election.
NRS 293C.190. Procedure for filling vacancy in nomination.
NRS 293C.195. Procedure for withdrawing candidacy.
NRS 293C.200. Residency requirements for candidates; penalty for knowingly and willfully making false statement concerning residency on declaration or acceptance of candidacy.
NRS 293C.220. Appointment of officers by city clerk; appointment of law enforcement officers for polling places; appointment of trainees.
NRS 293C.222. Appointment of pupil as trainee: Qualifications; requirements; duties; compensation.
NRS 293C.225. Recommendations by chair of persons suitable for service.
NRS 293C.227. Delivery of notice of appointment to officer or trainee.
NRS 293C.228. Notice of unwillingness to serve as officer or trainee; appointment of replacement.
NRS 293C.230. Appointment of single central election board for mailing precincts.
NRS 293C.240. Appointment and duties of absent ballot central counting board; no central election board if absent ballot central counting board appointed.
NRS 293C.245. Appointment and number of officers on absent ballot central counting board; appointment of law enforcement officers; absent ballot central counting board under direction of city clerk.
NRS 293C.255. Name of candidate on ballot not to include title, designation of profession or occupation.
NRS 293C.256. Absent ballot or ballot voted in mailing precinct to be voted on paper ballot.
NRS 293C.257. Form of ballot for primary city election; names of candidates to be grouped alphabetically; exception.
NRS 293C.260. Form of ballot for general city election; names of candidates to be grouped alphabetically; exception.
NRS 293C.261. Ballot to indicate date of election and at which election ballot will be used.
NRS 293C.262. Order of listing offices and questions; division of ballots; color of ballots and voting receipts.
NRS 293C.265. Voting in person required at first city election after valid registration for voter who registered to vote by mail or computer; exceptions.
NRS 293C.267. Time for opening and closing polls; duties and powers of officers of election board.
NRS 293C.268. Establishment of polling place for precinct in residential development exclusively for elderly persons.
NRS 293C.2685. Polling place not to be established in any building named for candidate appearing on ballot.
NRS 293C.269. Members of general public allowed to observe conduct of voting at polling place; photographing or otherwise recording conduct of voting by members of general public prohibited.
NRS 293C.270. Conditions for entitlement of person to vote; forms of identification to identify registered voter.
NRS 293C.272. Identification of registered voter who is unable to sign name.
NRS 293C.275. Election board officer in charge of register required to take voter’s signature.
NRS 293C.277. Announcement of name of registered voter; grounds and procedure for challenging person’s right to vote.
NRS 293C.281. Accessibility of polling place, ballot and election materials to persons who are elderly and to persons with disabilities; provision of mechanical recording device to record votes electronically; alternative placement of specially equipped voting devices at centralized locations.
NRS 293C.282. Assistance to voter who is physically disabled or unable to read or write English.
NRS 293C.285. Change of vote on certain mechanical recording devices.
NRS 293C.290. Posting of alphabetical listing of registered voters at polling place; tearing or defacing alphabetical listing prohibited; penalty.
NRS 293C.291. Posting of notice of death of candidate at polling place.
NRS 293C.292. Challenges.
NRS 293C.293. Notice of result of challenge.
NRS 293C.295. Voting by person successfully challenged on grounds of residency.
NRS 293C.297. Closing of polls; admission of voters and other persons.
NRS 293C.300. Duties of voting board before adjournment.
NRS 293C.302. Court-ordered extension of deadline for voting.
NRS 293C.305. Absent ballots: Preparation; reasonable accommodations for use by persons who are elderly or disabled; time for distribution; ineffectiveness of legal actions to prevent issuance.
NRS 293C.306. Distribution of forms to request absent ballot.
NRS 293C.307. Request and receipt of absent ballot allows voting only by absent ballot; exception; city clerk to notify election board if absent ballot issued.
NRS 293C.310. Persons entitled to absent ballot; fraud or coercion in obtaining ballot prohibited; penalty.
NRS 293C.312. Limitation on time to apply for absent ballot; application available for public inspection; issuance of absent ballot; immunity of city clerk.
NRS 293C.317. Application for absent ballot because of illness, disability or absence: Requirements; delivery of ballot; voting procedure.
NRS 293C.318. Application for absent ballot because of physical disability: Requirements; voting procedure.
NRS 293C.320. City clerk to determine if applicant for absent ballot is registered voter.
NRS 293C.322. Delivery of absent ballot and voting supplies; return of absent ballot; recordation of certain information by county clerk; regulations.
NRS 293C.325. Duties of city clerk upon receipt of absent ballot from voter: Deposit of voted ballot; delivery for counting. [Effective through December 31, 2013.]
NRS 293C.325. Duties of city clerk upon receipt of absent ballot from voter: Deposit of voted ballot; delivery for counting. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 293C.327. Voting absent ballot in person in city clerk’s office.
NRS 293C.328. Electioneering prohibited near city clerk’s office during period office maintained for voting absent ballot in person; penalty.
NRS 293C.330. Procedure for voting after requesting absent ballot; unlawful return of ballot; penalty.
NRS 293C.332. Procedure for depositing absent ballots in ballot box. [Effective through December 31, 2013.]
NRS 293C.332. Procedure for depositing absent ballots in ballot box. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 293C.335. Empty envelopes and rejected ballots to be returned to city clerk. [Effective through December 31, 2013.]
NRS 293C.335. Empty envelopes and rejected ballots to be returned to city clerk. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 293C.340. Duty of city clerk to provide ballot box for each ballot listing if absent ballot central counting board appointed; deposit of voted ballots. [Effective through December 31, 2013.]
NRS 293C.340. Duty of city clerk to provide ballot box for each ballot listing if absent ballot central counting board appointed; deposit of voted ballots. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 293C.342. Eligibility of certain voters to vote by mail; effect of city clerk designating precinct as mailing precinct.
NRS 293C.345. Duty of city clerk to mail official mailing ballots to registered voters; exception.
NRS 293C.347. Enrollment of eligible voter’s name; procedure for mailing of ballot and voting supplies by city clerk.
NRS 293C.350. Marking and return of mailing ballot by voter.
NRS 293C.352. Duties of city clerk upon receipt of envelope which contains mailing ballot.
NRS 293C.355. Applicability of provisions.
NRS 293C.356. Issuance of ballots; voting booth for use by persons issued ballots.
NRS 293C.3561. City clerk to establish criteria for selection of permanent and temporary polling places for early voting by personal appearance.
NRS 293C.3564. Permanent polling places for early voting.
NRS 293C.3568. Period for early voting; hours for permanent polling places.
NRS 293C.3572. Temporary branch polling places.
NRS 293C.3576. Schedule of locations and times for early voting.
NRS 293C.358. Appointment of deputy clerks.
NRS 293C.3583. Preparation of mechanical recording devices before polls open each day.
NRS 293C.3585. Procedure for voting.
NRS 293C.3594. Security precautions.
NRS 293C.3604. Mechanical recording devices: Duties of election board at close of each voting day; duties of ballot board for early voting and clerks at close of last voting day.
NRS 293C.3606. Returns; secrecy of ballots; disseminating information about count of returns before polls close prohibited; penalty.
NRS 293C.3608. Delivery to central counting place of printed record of votes recorded on mechanical recording device during period for early voting and of related items and devices.
NRS 293C.361. Electioneering prohibited near polling place; penalty.
NRS 293C.3615. Record made by city clerk of receipt at central counting place of sealed container used to transport official ballots.
NRS 293C.362. Preparation by counting board to count paper ballots.
NRS 293C.365. Accounting for used and unused ballots.
NRS 293C.367. Rejection of ballots; regulations for counting ballots.
NRS 293C.368. Errors in information on certain form not grounds for rejection of absent ballot.
NRS 293C.369. Standards for counting votes; regulations.
NRS 293C.370. Counting of votes cast for deceased candidate.
NRS 293C.372. Procedure for completion of tally lists.
NRS 293C.375. Duties of officers of counting board after ballots counted if paper ballots used.
NRS 293C.380. Posting of copies of voting results.
NRS 293C.382. Initial withdrawal of absent ballots from ballot boxes; verification of proper number of absent ballots; procedure for counting.
NRS 293C.385. Withdrawal of absent ballots from ballot boxes after initial withdrawal; verification of proper number and counting of absent ballots; reporting results of count; disseminating information about count before polls close prohibited; penalty.
NRS 293C.387. Returns filed with city clerk; canvass of returns; preparation and entering of abstract of votes; limitation on inspection of returns; certificates of election.
NRS 293C.389. Inclusion of inactive voters in reports of votes prohibited.
NRS 293C.390. Disposition and inspection of ballots, lists, stubs and records of voted ballots after canvass by governing body of city.
NRS 293C.395. Prohibitions against withholding certificate of election or commission.
NRS 293C.520. Designation by city clerk of building owned or leased by city as municipal facility at which electors may register to vote.
NRS 293C.525. Transfer of registration when residence changed from one precinct to another within same city or changed within same precinct; oral or written affirmation of elector; right of elector to vote.
NRS 293C.527. Close of registration; exception; office of city clerk to be open certain hours during last days before registration closes; publication of day and time registration closes; elector required to register to vote in person or by computer during certain period; hours of operation for municipal facility for voter registration.
NRS 293C.530. Sample ballots: Contents; mailing; notice of location of polling place; notice if location of polling place changed; form of ballot; cost of mailing responsibility of city.
NRS 293C.532. Persons entitled to vote; authority of governing body of city to provide supplemental registration.
NRS 293C.535. Procedure for registration of electors in incorporated cities; preparation of official election board register.
NRS 293C.540. Delivery of official register by county clerk to city clerk.
NRS 293C.542. Authority of governing body to publish list of registered voters.
NRS 293C.545. City required to compensate county registrar for certain services; payment from city general fund.
NRS 293C.600. Preparation of computer program used to run computer or counting device; protection of program.
NRS 293C.615. Accuracy certification board to observe conduct of tests on equipment for mechanical voting; representatives of candidates and press authorized to observe.
NRS 293C.620. Issuance of ballots; procedure for voting.
Processing of Ballots
NRS 293C.625. Early pickup and delivery of ballots to central counting place; processing of ballots before polls close.
NRS 293C.630. Duties of election board upon and after closing of polls; public may observe handling of ballots.
NRS 293C.635. Procedure for delivery of ballots and election materials to receiving center or central counting place; disposition of other materials; members of general public allowed to observe delivery.
NRS 293C.640. Creation of special election boards; appointment of members to boards.
NRS 293C.645. Duties of central ballot inspection board.
NRS 293C.650. Duties of absent ballot mailing precinct inspection board.
NRS 293C.655. Duties of ballot duplicating board.
NRS 293C.660. Ballot processing and packaging board: Composition; duties.
NRS 293C.665. Computer program and processing accuracy board: Appointment; duties.
NRS 293C.700. Construction of containers used to transport official ballots.
NRS 293C.710. Loss or destruction of ballots, or other cause preventing election in precinct or district; new election.
NRS 293C.715. Website maintained by city clerk for public information relating to elections; requirements.
NRS 293C.720. City clerks encouraged to provide election information and materials in usable format for persons who are elderly or disabled.