NRS 293.270. Voting by printed ballot or other approved or authorized system; write-in voting prohibited; exception.
NRS 293.272. Voting in person required at first election after valid registration for voter who registered to vote by mail or computer; exceptions.
NRS 293.2725. Voter who registered to vote by mail or computer and has not previously voted in election for federal office in Nevada: Prerequisites to voting at polling place and to voting by mail; applicability of section; exceptions.
NRS 293.273. Time for opening and closing polls; duties of officers of election board.
NRS 293.2735. Establishment of polling place for precinct in residential development exclusively for elderly persons.
NRS 293.2738. Polling place not to be established in any building named for candidate appearing on ballot.
NRS 293.274. Members of general public allowed to observe conduct of voting at polling place; photographing or otherwise recording conduct of voting by members of general public prohibited.
NRS 293.275. Possession of election board register by election board required for performance of board’s duties.
NRS 293.277. Conditions for entitlement of person to vote; forms of identification to identify registered voter.
NRS 293.283. Identification of registered voter who is unable to sign name.
NRS 293.285. Election board officer in charge of register required to take voter’s signature.
NRS 293.287. Announcement of name and political affiliation of registered voter; challenges; nonpartisan ballot at primary election.
NRS 293.2955. Accessibility of polling place, ballot and election materials to persons who are elderly and to persons with disabilities; provision of mechanical recording device to record votes electronically; alternative placement of specially equipped voting devices at central locations.
NRS 293.296. Assistance to voter who is physically disabled or unable to read or write English.
NRS 293.297. Change of vote on certain mechanical recording devices.
NRS 293.301. Posting of alphabetical listing of registered voters at polling place; tearing or defacing alphabetical listing prohibited; penalty.
NRS 293.302. Posting of notice of death of candidate at polling place.
NRS 293.3025. Posting of copies of certain other information and documents at polling place.
NRS 293.303. Challenges.
NRS 293.3035. Notice of result of challenge.
NRS 293.304. Voting by person successfully challenged on grounds of residency.
NRS 293.305. Closing of polls; admission of voters and other persons.
NRS 293.307. Duties of voting board before adjournment.