NRS 279.382. Short title.
NRS 279.384. Definitions.
NRS 279.386. “Agency” defined.
NRS 279.388. “Blighted area” defined.
NRS 279.390. “Bonds” defined.
NRS 279.392. “Community” defined.
NRS 279.3925. “Developer” defined.
NRS 279.393. “Eligible railroad” defined.
NRS 279.394. “Federal Government” defined.
NRS 279.396. “Legislative body” defined.
NRS 279.397. “Low-income household” defined.
NRS 279.398. “Obligee” defined.
NRS 279.400. “Planning commission” defined.
NRS 279.404. “Public body” defined.
NRS 279.406. “Real property” defined.
NRS 279.408. “Redevelopment” defined.
NRS 279.410. “Redevelopment area” defined.
NRS 279.412. “Redevelopment project” defined.
NRS 279.413. “Southern Nevada Enterprise Community” defined.
NRS 279.414. “State” defined.
NRS 279.416. Declaration of state policy: Necessity of redevelopment of blighted areas.
NRS 279.418. Declaration of state policy: Growing menace of blighted areas to public health, safety and welfare; benefits to inhabitants resulting from remedying conditions.
NRS 279.420. Declaration of state policy: Inability of individual landowners to rehabilitate property; remedy by public acquisition.
NRS 279.422. Declaration of state policy: Temporary government-owned wartime housing projects as blighted areas.
NRS 279.424. Declaration of state policy: Redevelopment of blighted areas by eminent domain; public use; necessity.
NRS 279.425. Declaration of state policy: Adequate supply of decent, safe and sanitary low-income housing necessary to accomplish purposes of Community Redevelopment Law.